Sunday, April 22, 2007


Tribute To Joeng - Chapter Two

** Dedicated to Jonie

想说给你听 To say to you

有好多话藏在心里想说给你听 Words to empty fills thy heart
选择琐在你心房外 Locked out from thou like a standing guard
不想再拉扯 I could no longer ever pull you close
幸福已远离 As I know you have just left like the petals from a rose

在无数梦里总会惊醒 In my numerous dreams I was alarmed
很想伸手握住你 As thou hands always seems so near yet so far
你却已离我远去 Reality struck that you are gone
除了眼泪 With my tears, I watch you go
我安静地 看你离去 I turn around and decided its time to let go

想说给你听 I wanted to say to you
很怕失去你 I cannot picture myself losing you
趁我醒来前 So before I wake up from this dream I had
我只能用时间来惦记 All I can do is to use this time to rememberate
“我爱你” 这句话变成了秘密 The secret to saying "I Love You"


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Is JO ENG. Eng is my surname not part of my name la.

WELL DONE for the translation!!!!!!!!! Better than me if I ever going to so.

*Daphne informed me you replied. :)

11:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can ALWAYS trust Johnny with translations. First class, I assure.

1:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

with colours somemore...

2:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's so sad ...

Here's one I kept for a long time ...

Just lie to Me
Come close again to me just one more time
lay with me and feel the warmth of the sunshine
Tell me that you love me and there is only me
tell me that you really believe in destiny
Say the words I want to hear with sincerity
Just for a few hours, please just lie to me
Pull me down upon you yet again as you close your eyes
let it be me that you only think of during your passionate cries
tell me I’m the only lover you think of when you’re alone
and it’s my voice that you always miss when we hang up the phone
Tell me you love me and that we were always meant to be
with the lips that I always yearn for, just please lie to me
Please lie to me for just the closeness of the moment
Please lie to me for the comfort of this lonely heart
So just what is truth and what is fiction
what’s wrong with just wanting a moment to be perfect
Why feel guilty at that instant when it feels so good
when there could be some half truth to everything said
Belief is what we choose to put our faith in
and at one time I believed that you could feel as I now do
Words once spoken that I thought could be true I still hear
and it’s those very things that were said I still hold dear
Maybe they don’t hold a lot of meaning to you as they do me,
but it’s just for a brief moment in time, so please ...

Lie to me

6:28 PM  

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