Thursday, April 12, 2007


How far is your Limit?

Actually life is very simple. It is just the surroundings and the human nature that makes it so complicated.

Why do we give up on a lot of things? Sometimes we give up without trying. Sometimes we give up without even fighting. Some obstacles that come before us frighten us. We get startled and we forgot on why we even started doing on what we wanted to do. We get pulled back and we decided that we cannot do it and we just decide to give it up.

We are stretchable. We can be pushed to our limits and our limits are boundless. We will never know what we are born to achieve and we can never know how far we can reach. We will never know unless we try.

There are so many chances and opportunities out there that are just waiting for us to reap and sow. If we just confine ourselves to our own space and in our own box, we will never make it out there. We will need to prove to ourselves and eventually prove to others that we are not pushovers. We will one-day stand so high up that they will look like a little dot to us and they will be dependent on our shadows to give them shelter.

Let’s do a little interaction.

You straighten both your hands and reach towards the monitor in front of you. You stretch to your limit with both hands until you cannot stretch any further. Now make sure your fingertips touch the monitor. Move back by a centimetre so that now your fingers are a centimetre away from the monitor. Put down your left hand. And now you stretch again with your right hand. Can you touch the monitor now?

Life is more or less about the same theory. Open your mind and believe.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

very true, i particularly like this post especially para 4

Very often our pre-conceived notions,dogma and prejudice places self-imposed limitations on what we will do, can do and should do.

8:11 PM  
Blogger Mav said...

"Why do we give up on a lot of things? Sometimes we give up without trying. Sometimes we give up without even fighting. Some obstacles that come before us frighten us. We get startled and we forgot on why we even started doing on what we wanted to do. We get pulled back and we decided that we cannot do it and we just decide to give it up.

We'll never know unless we try."

Thanks for the reminder and inspiration. I AM going to try..wish me success bro, for with it comes happiness.. haha..

9:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes ... being average would simply be tragic ... never give up

11:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

great analog....somehow can relate to it hah...

just another quote
There is no failure except in no longer trying. ~Elbert Hubbard

8:17 PM  

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