Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Prelude by Masha Ala Mak Bar Shiokura

** Please pardon the language as I wrote this with my boss standing next to me. How can I work properly when my boss keep chit chatting with me?

Before we learn to pick up a girl, we have to determine what kind of girl you are more attracted to. It is quite complexed actually and very often the categories intersects. So what we need to elaborate deeply is on which kind of ladies will pull the greater form of magnetism on you.
Let’s start categorising.

Drop dead Gorgeous:You see all eyes following her as she waddles across the room. Her figure in the shape of an hour glass, or maybe even better. You can smell her five metres away and she swooned your breath away. She has the body even the devil yearns for and a face prettier than an angel.

Rational: You know that competition is going to be stiff. You have to give it a really good fight to win this lady over. She is so pretty that all men are willing to die for her. You don’t even know whether she would even bother to look at you. She is way up there and you know you are way down there. Maybe her boyfriend drives a SLK? Maybe she has a sugar daddy now? Maybe everything about her is not real. Maybe she is just a perfect transvetite with a very successful operation. Maybe…… and the list goes on. Most of the time, when the women are too beautiful, it scares the men away.

Classy:She walks in style and she behaves very well in circumstances. She observes her personal gestures and every single movements are well kept in her mind. She portrays a form of appeal that attracts men to want them. Intelligence rather than bimbotic behaviours comes with class. Their hair is neat and they can make intellgent conversation.

Rational: This women are classy which means they require very high maintenance. Their classiness was not learn over night. Probably they have been to more posh functions that you have been to Yoshinoya. They know when to engage in what kind of conversation to attract you. Which means they know when to push you off the cliff to see you rot and die. These women are dangerous and deadly. If danger is your middlename, you would love this.

Witty:A social animal by nature, smile very often and easily make friends in a second. Usually possess a very warm smile and was born with a talent of speaking more than the rest. She is partially involved with up to date world topics but equipped with tons of gossips and latest celebrity news. Such woman has an innate ability to understand the corniest, coldest and stupidest jokes within a flash. Able to recreate stories and humour almost instantly.

Rational: Such women are the best to be around. They usually keep you occupied by sprouting tons of nonsense that could bring a smile to your face. They make good friends and usually able to talk about almost everything under the sun. They can talk about sex without demonstrating, they could bitch about the man that you know did not even exist. They could blabber about how their period is making them fat. But all of us will need to know a very significant point, God is fair and usually a compromise must be balanced between wittiness and prettiness.

Bitchy:Such women bitches about everything. Bitchy women does not mean that they display any form of symbolic similarities to woof woof, but rather bitchy women tend to complain about everything that they can or cannot find fault with. They complain about the people, their hair, their tables and even the temperature in the room.

Rational: Definitely not in the ‘A’ category of people to get along with. Makes us stand on our toes most of the time. We can never let our guard down just in case we step over their tails and we start becoming the target board of their shooting practce. They feel that everything seems to go against them right from the start they got out of their bed in the morning. It takes a lot of patience and very sensitive men to be around such women who owns such unique characteristics.

Bimbotic“Are my breast too big?” “That is such a lovely LV bag, what brand is it?” These are the typical questions you get from a Bimbo. They are very entertaining creatures which a pinch of imbecile character hovering above them all the time. They are pretty but very simple.

Rational: You cannot blame them as they think with their boobs. Those are their radar detector to sense when the rain is coming. They do not think too much and they shoot almost instantly the first thought that comes into mind. They always thought they have sixth sense. Getting the cutest guy on the dancefloor is always the most important thing that is in their mind. They are a super blower.

Sweet and Sensitive: These are the girl next door calibre. They look sweet and demure, usually very quiet. They lead a simple life and they stay with their parents ever since they were born. They only have like one boyfriend in their life ever, and they broke up with the boyfriends after a four year relationship.

Rational: Grab such a woman and make them your wife if all you need is a simple life.

Lian-ish“T-E-C-N-O techno techno. TIU TIU TIU TIU TIU TIU. Simi Dai Ji??” Do you have friends that sound like that? “Yoz manz!!! You Ho Bo?” they will yell. These are super ultra friendly creature who digs many many into becoming the lians of the lians.

Rational: OMG!!

Show me a woman that

  1. Is classy yet appealing
  2. Has a face of an angel
  3. Open minded and aggressive
  4. Humorous
  5. Caring and sensitive
  6. Supportive
  7. English speaking
  8. Ambitious

Anytime. Anytime.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Drop-dead gorgeous and classy babe without the high maintainance factor, seeking play-mates. Possesses sparkling wit and natural instinct towards the lastest news & gossips, great fun to with, able to bitch (aka sending the undercooked fish back into the kitchen) and play the bimbo part (to make the man feel strong and clever) interchangably on demand. Sweet and sensitive enough to bring home, yet lian enough to drink you under the table.

Any takers?

==Phew, it's tough to be a woman these days==

1:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh dear, hamster is getting a little bhb.. ;p

3:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

somehow, I felt JUST that lil bit of being "victimised"....

guys, u NOW understand my plight right?

tsk tsk

9:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what's bhb?

hey, you're not 'victimised' k - maybe just feelin slightly pressurised from having such a perfect specimen of a female, hohoho

but seriously speaking, think pop culture is turning our brains into glue. what with planting ideas of impossibly perfect ideals of what a man/ woman should be or look like, and a picture perfect r/s should be like.

Well, wake up and smell the coffee (oh man, have not had my morning fix yet =S) - life's isn't perfect, people aren't perfect, r/s aren't perfect, and neither are you. The sooner we sort it out and realise the key is to minimise the bad and enjoy the good, is when we start to appreciate what we have.

I need my coffee

5:34 PM  
Blogger audrey said...


I think you are asking for the impossible! A perfect woman?

Pls, show me the perfect man first.

I will become the perfect woman when I am presented with the perfect man. :D

9:11 PM  
Blogger kailing said...

Johnny, your blog is damn lame can! LOL.

9:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perfect woman?

that's an oxymoron (flames welcomed)

and what's with the hamsters?

5:26 AM  

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