Monday, April 23, 2007


Never Meant To Be by Johnny

I had been writing this for the last three days
To fully understand what the soothsayer says
I finally realized we are never meant to be
On the day when you sympathetically said it’s not me

I dedicate this poem to the person who made me see
If not for she, I will never know the importance of me

Never meant to be

Am I a rose meant to whither
Was I born a duck to be a swan
Do miracles only happen in fairytale
Does faith only belong to those who believe

Is it a fact that it was never meant to be
Or was it a fiction that only I believed
People change in a blink of an eye
Seasons change without saying goodbye

I know she stung me like a bee
I can only blame my own stupidity
I know she left me hurt and lost
But I promised myself forever I will stay strong

I do I know I still believe
That someday, someone will come and rescue me
Till that day comes I will no longer be on my knees
Because I know between us it’s never meant to be

Johnny Kwek


Anonymous Anonymous said...

importance of me ... sometimes we love someone so much that we forget ourselves. Love is about giving one's all to another but we forget that we need to be deserve loved in return

2:37 AM  
Blogger Boon said...

well said jeremy =)

8:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

as agreed by boon...
cannot agree more...
Love should be give and take.
NEVER a one-way traffic.

12:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


When your blog becomes so poetic?

I don't think I the kind who will give all to another and forget about myself.

I always believe that if 2 persons are in love, it will always be 2 way traffic. If it happens to be one traffic, it is no point being in love and be together.

Oh... y am I talking to much?

9:27 PM  

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