Thursday, January 25, 2007


Who’s your favorite partner? – Part 2

I reflected last night after reading some of the comments and here comes the part 2.

Do men really associate favorite partners with looks?

I was pondering as I walked home last night. The truth is that this is a difficult question and a tricky one. Personally, I think everyone is beautiful. It takes courage to say someone is ugly. You have always thought that someone is ugly but I bet you have never told someone that he/she is ugly in that person’s face.

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder

She may be the ugliest woman on the dance floor, but you would still be swooned by her amazing demonstration of styling, character and presentation. She may be the fattest dancer on the dance floor, but you would still be impressed by her lightning turns that executes so accurately which turns so fast you can feel the wind by just standing next to her.

Appreciation is one thing but executing is another

Would you always ask the best dancer on the dance floor for a dance?

Multiple circumstances results in the intended question to happen.

I had been there and I do know that many would not ask the better dancers around for a dance. The reason is simple. The reason is that you think that you are not good enough to dance with her yet; therefore you do not wish to embarrass yourself in front of him/her or the audience. Let’s look at this issue from another aspect. Partners are supposed to make their partners look good.

Assuming the scenario that the intended recipient of a dance is a good follower and will easily accustomed to the requester’s lead, on top of that, the recipient is socialable with no airs or any other fake pretence.

Who in the world would like to dance with someone better than you who have the ability to make you look like a fool? Who would like to dance with someone who will counter lead the leader? Who would like to dance with someone who has a stern face who shows air of arrogance with the chin always nicely placed in front of the eye? Who would like to dance with someone who always goes “tsk,tsk,tsk”?

Limitation of favorite-ness

Based on the following scenario, what is in your allowable region? This is used only as an example. Please change the gender if required.

IaMaMan dances with IaMaWoman for two songs consecutively
IaMaMan dances with IaMaWoman for three songs consecutively
IaMaMan dances with IaMaWoman for four songs consecutively

The list goes on but what I need to know is the impression of the general public before you foresee something fishy is going on and scandals may start to fly.

My opinion to my own question is that option 1 is still acceptable as giving the leader the benefit of the doubt that the first song was too short or they started too late as they need to find a comfortable dancing area or to squeeze through the packed crowd to get to the dance floor, therefore they decided to take another dance to complete the moves that was not executed in the first dance. They decided to take a second dance also maybe because that the song on air now is so wonderful and amazing that it would be such a waste not to dance to that song. There was a change from Salsa to Bachata, so the basis that the dance is different, they took another dance.

Call me superficial but from point 2 onwards, I will feel uncomfortable even for stranger or from people that I know. C’mon, three dances in a row with the same person IS weird. You cannot stop me from bitching when that happens.




Do you dare to tell me you are not feeling something for someone?

And now I am telling you it’s all up to you. I have nothing left to say.

I will leave it to the general public to read and decide.

P/S: I am not referring to Princess Kuku Bird in this post. To know who I am talking about, you have to look and observe.

Okay to ease the tension. Please watch this.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

2 is the max for me. More often than not, there are too many different ppl to dance in first place to have more dances than that.

I'm probably going through a phase but I enjoy dancing with strangers ... It sure helps in improving the lead (I hope)

It really depends on the individual's motivation I guess. for me, I just want to dance better.

8:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes J1 your lead has def improved and i like dancing with YOU! *grin*

11:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that I would dance with the girl i like consecutively for many many dances. I want to understand if the girl I asked 3 times never rejected my advance for a next dance, does it mean that she will like me too?

5:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey guys,
just a thought provoking qn. it sounds simple, but...

why do you wanna dance better?


10:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous> not really - it may just mean she likes your lead, or that she has no one else to dance with that nite or she sees you as a friend and doesn't wish to hurt your feelings by rejecting you [yes, girls are generally yes-people, we hate to disagree]

boon> dance better = look better = feel better = increased confidence = more relaxed = enjoy dance more = greater happiness [and add in more people wanting to dance with you and receiving more compliments into the equation *wink*]

10:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why dance better?

it's like playing soccer/basketball/other sports better ... same thing

5:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi darling,
me think me went thru' that phrase =P
me wanna dance better, as a challenge to meself. that sense of satisfaction when you had a fantastic dance just... feels like orgasm * raised eyebrows *

I do love soccer too and I guess it's in humans to always wanna try more and improve more. Anyway, the thrill of dancing, performing and competing only makes all the effort worthwhile. It's something we know when we grow old, we will not regret doing.

am sure Super Almost Virgin man is nodding his head right now =)

11:13 PM  
Blogger Johnny said...

Okay, to be nice to everyone till the day someone condemns me that I am damn DAO!!!

Hey anonymous, thanks for visiting. Anyway, I don't think that if dancing with a girl for 3 dances in a row is a confirmation that the girl likes you. Just like what Hamster said, it might be just courtesy. So I would think that if you really like that girl, go on and let her know.

And to you boon, I wanna dance better so that I can be like you :P

And Jeremy, you are indeed getting better day by day. Will be waiting for your challenge on the next Salsa Competition.

12:54 AM  

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