Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Dancing Etiquette

Its twelve midnight and I should be getting my beauty sleep but deep down I had to write this entry as it really troubles me. Please pardon the language as it's late, I am tired and sleepy and I had no supper tonight.

Its ridiculous how uncultured some people can get and I am writing this entry to the public to cultivate proper decent etiquette among our fellow dancers. Everyone knows that I am a soft spoken person with a warm heart but seeing my friends getting beaten up, I cannot take this lying and I will be serious for once.

Only recently, I realize that I have friends around me taking the dance floor as their personal battle arena. They took the opportunity of a dance to practice their flying elbows, their smacking fingers and their stomping feats. Excuse me? Please do not practice your Level 9 Buddha Palms on the dance floor! Please look out for your partners at all times, guys and girls. And seriously, regardless who is in the wrong, please say the golden word of “Sorry”. I am sure that no one wants to see that one day in Union Square, everyone starts to gear themselves with safety helmets, elbow guards, shin guards and the yellow safety boots dancing around.

There are multiple issues which I discovered recently that will raise eyebrows and I need to bring it to everyone’s attention.

Missy Cunninglingus told me that day that she was brutally attacked. She was given a three hit combo by the person in the midst of one dance. She kenna one across the cheek, followed by one at the back of the head and ended with a finale on the temple. The worst shit is that, Mr. Commando who inflicted all this on Missy Cunninglingus did not have the basic courtesy to say that he was sorry or to ask if she was okay. He continued to carry out his so confident and arrogant moves. Wat the F***! Harlow?
  1. Is it against your religion to say “Sorry”?
  2. Does it really matter so much to you to disturb your continuous flow of intriguing moves to stop and ask if she is okay?
  3. Your hairstyle sucks.

Invisible Girl told me that day that she was stepped twice in a Bachata dance and once in a Salsa dance by the same person on the same feet. The main issue here is that this guy kept insisting that it was Invisible's fault.

C’mon, for the first time, maybe it’s her fault as your lead is so amazing or ridiculously tricky that the norms are unable to interpret. Two times in a row, maybe we are still learning. But three times in a row, I think your dick is in your ass.

So yes the move is difficult, I cannot interpret. So forget that particular move and let’s dance to the song. Let’s enjoy this two minute together and dance without getting my toes stepped.

Furthermore, you are the man. Regardless the case, the lady got stepped and she is in pain. Please just say that you are sorry rather than shouting to the world that she has done it wrongly. What are you trying to prove? That imperfection is a crime? All man makes mistakes. Are you trying to show that you are perfect and not a man?

I am so angry.

Ladies, ladies, I understand that some guys are quite demanding and they will just make you go on a merry go round. Round and round and round. I understand that due to unforeseen circumstances like being on a full stomach or having that time of the month, you are unable to summon enough concentration to be stable on the spot or rather it is just that guy's lead is way too lousy. Still on a crowded dance floor, if you happen to lose the balance and hit other couples on the floor, please do not stare at them as if they are in the wrong. They did not infiltrate your area of space. Apparently you are the metal ball in a pin ball machine and you just happen to hit a lot of bonuses. Please turn around and say the golden word.

Guys, guys, I understand that some ladies are very demanding and to satisfy them, you have to show them everything. From complicated moves to spectacular moves, everything you have mastered from schools, movies, stunt shows so that your partner will be amazed by your brilliant skills. But please, analyze the situation before attempting the almost impossible. If the dance floor is crowded, with very limited space, keep your partner as close to you as possible. For very complicated moves that requires very extravagant hand movements, keep those to the minimal. I am sure there will be other chances to show these masterpieces off another day.

Ladies, if you happen to accidentally hit a man in the course of a dance, smother the part that got knocked and whisper in his ears “I am sorry but I will repay you back tonight.”

Gentleman, if you happen to accidentally hit a lady in the course of a dance, smother the part that got knocked and whisper in her ears “I am sorry and I will give you your pay back time tonight.”

For everyone who wants to understand the full concept of the art of defensive salsa, please refer to the following link for the teachings by the Guru of defensive Salsa herself.

The picture below belongs to Invisble Woman. I do understand that there are many readers out there who are very curious to reveal the idenitity of Invisble woman as you guys cannot see her since she is invisble.

Therefore to appease the many curious readers out there, I will formally disclose her identity and her true self.





Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, sorry is an under-utilized word. Nonetheless, ppl in Union are pretty nice :) Still as El Virgino has said, a little "sorry" does go a long way.

That being said, another hilarious entry ... frank, blatant and lots of chilli padi.

5:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

does it matter? even if u get a hard knock while WALKING innocently across an empty dancefloor by another fellow walker..he doesn't apologise either. When I turned back, I wondered if he even realised it at all..

6:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cool down. I think considering the rather close friendship btw invisible woman and this guy, he's prob taking it easy jokingly when he remarked at her.

Still, he should not do this,as it seems to have gone a lil overboard.

8:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, here's goes...

I'M SORRY!~ But I do love you[r post].


1:35 AM  

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