Wednesday, January 03, 2007


The Dance Talk

Straight to the point, I am not a very talky dancer.

This means that I do not talk much during a dance.

When I ask a person for a dance, I only dance.

People can call me anti-social, people can call me a silent dancer but the truth is I don’t really like to talk during a dance.

Regarding any gossips, you can always find me after a dance to bitch about it.

If it’s not a matter of life and death, I would seriously prefer to do it later.

  1. I think that talking during a dance is irritating as it will divert my attention away from making the dance nicer.
  2. I believe that speaking on the dance floor is disturbing to my musicality interpretation skills.
  3. I believe that talking to me should be kept to the minimum as I am unable to concentrate on eavesdropping on the guy next to me trying his best to pick up his girl.
  4. I believe that a fine should be imposed on all the dance talk.

Okay, all those are rubbish.

The fact that I seldom talk on the dance floor is because I will fidget as I am not very used to it.

Why do people ask questions in the midst of a dance?

I am always blown away by the answers by my skitzo half.

I find him more entertaining than my true self.

Let’s take the following scenario as a gauge and we will see who is more entertaining.

My split personality friend is named Holly Molly.

[Stranger] What’s your name?
[Almost Virgin] Johnny.
[Holly Molly] Snuffulaughugus. But if it makes you happy, you can always call me Dear.

[Stranger] So where are you from?
[Almost Virgin] Singapore.
[Holly Molly] I am from a land far far away called Euranius.

[Stranger] I mean where did you learn Salsa from?
[Almost Virgin] I learnt Salsa from JJ and Bachata from Enmotion.
[Holly Molly] From the hills of Wudang and Shaolin. The move I am executing now is called the Hidden Palms of Buddha.

[Stranger] How long have you been learning Salsa?
[Almost Virgin] Around 14 months.
[Holly Molly] Salsa? Never heard about it.

See, Almost Virgin is such a dull boy in a dance.

My skitzo friend is much better as an entertainer.

Me? I am just a dancer.

Whenever Holly Molly says something in my brain, I will really enjoy it but I just can’t say it the way he does.

So I will rather remain shut.

The other day, I was dancing with a lady to the song of Sealed With a Kiss, salsa version.

Out of no where, she started saying, “Wow, this song is so nostalgic.”

I raised my eyebrows to heaven and said to myself, damn it, quick I need to reply out of courtesy. I cannot let her speak to herself.

I said, “Yeah man, this song is at least ten years old.”

She exclaimed! “Ten years old???”

We never spoke again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny like F***! Ahahaha

9:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually, ladies talk to guys for a number of reasons:

1. his lead is terrible and I cannot follow. Rather than risk certain death, I create a diversion by talking to him.

2. he is attempting moves which are too complicated and high level for me to follow. Rather than risk certain injury, I create a diversion by talking to him.

3. he is completely off beat. Rather than running here and there to accomodate, I create a diversion by talking to him.

4. he is turning me too much, too fast and too furiously. Rather than falling flat on my face because I am so dizzy, I create a diversion by talking to him.

5. he is v cute. Rather that waste this opportunity to get close, I talk to him.

So, I think someone very PRO already now lor...girls need to talk to u to catch their breath wor. hehee.

7:50 PM  
Blogger Johnny said...

My dear, you are so farnie. You bright up my day and loosen the tension on my boring work load. Loved it. Hear from you soon.

7:57 PM  

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