Thursday, December 21, 2006


The Bitchy Talk on the Singapore Salsa Congress

Hi folks, please read the following forum article. Its damn bitchy. If you have been in the salsa scene for some time, you would know who are the people involved.

To sum it up for the lazy readers, the main article is as so.

By Green Eyed Monster

After watching the most recent Singapore Salsa Congress unfold in a most spectacular fashion. I have to say that I am very impressed by the way it was run. It was great that many Singaporeans received free tickets and did not have to pay, else it might have been an event limited to only the small group of international Salsa dancers who came down. I guess the locals weren't expecting much of this event. It was great to see SalsaE, Salsa Daily, AAVX, ACTFA, AAVU, SalsaHub, ACDance (the list goes on) and all other studios/magazines/websites who collaborated with Xenbar to put up this brilliant congress. Though I was always under the impression that they were all set up by the same person...

I have to say that I was thoroughly impressed by the competitions that were held during the festival. At MOS, who would have thought to hold a competition and then present a prize to yourself - the organiser! Sheer brilliance, if I do say so myself. As for the 'World' Salsa Championship held at Union Square, it was another excellent idea. To have Asia's 'Top' Salsera Judging must have been a real source of pride and honour for the competitors, especially since more than half of them were trained by this Salsera herself. It was definitely a good thing then, that a strong Singaporean couple managed to clinch second place, lest the International Salsa dancers who came down leave feeling that the local scene is not very strong. Well, that can't really be helped, since most of the other better local dancers didn't want to take part in any competition that had anything to do with Xenbar, or had no real prestige, and no prize money.

Oh, and not forgetting the event at the Kallang Theatre! Wow! What a sold out performance it was. I am certain almost every Salsero/a in Singapore was in attendance. With tickets priced higher than internationally-acclaimed shows like Lady Salsa, it is such an honour for the local dance scene. I did hear some mutters of "crazy pricing" and "ridiculous show", but that must have been by sour grapes from other studios who are obviously envious of Xenbar's greatness. Yes yes, Xenbar is definitely THE place to learn salsa at the moment. With Asia's 'Top' Salsera AND, even better, her Instructor, there is no studio in Singapore that has anybody who can match up to that. Afterall, its is claimed that Yan Qing is one of the top salsa performers and instructors in the world and teacher Master Level salsa. Don't forget her Professional Salsa Dance Certification Level 6, which she is currently pursuing with Actfa. (Wait, isn't that set up by Justin? Or am I missing something)

Oh well, whatever! Lets all quit whatever studios we are learning at and go join Xenbar now! I'm a really keen dancer, so maybe i'll take Xenbar's 3 Years Part-Time Dance Performer & Instructor Course, it ONLY costs a one-time payment of $22,000! So cheap, good bargain man. Maybe after that I will become Asia's 'Top' Salsero?


Summary on the comments by Almost Virgin
  1. It costs a bloody $22,000 to take up a 3 Years Part-Time Dance Performer & Instructor Course at Xen Bar
  2. There is a dozen of websites namly,,,,,,, all hosted by the same person or same organisation.
  3. A guy named Nixon standing by Xenbar would like to have a better insight to the salsa scene in Singapore
  4. Nixon kanna bombarded for faking his identity and in the end was disclosed by La CuCaRaCha. Personal details on Nixon shown on forum.
  5. Nixon wanted to sue La CuCaRaCha for doing so as he knows a lot of lawyers. Furthermore, he is powerful enough to do so as the business his company is dealing in is quite powerful.
  6. A lot of comments on spelling mestakes.
  7. Comments on Xen Bar on over-priced course fees and the expensive tickets on the Salsa Congress. Although less than promised courses were introduced.
  8. Free Tickets given to MOS Party.
  9. Comments on Xen Bar degrading the salsa standard in Singapore.
  10. Multiple performers/instructors previewed before the Salsa Congress did not show up.
  11. Xen Bar contribution to the charity.

Comments by Almost Virgin.

Frankly I do not wish to get involve in this bitchy talk. So please anything that I say or I write here is of no offense to anyone. This is just a diary by Almost Virgin.

Firstly, $22,000 is quite ridiculous. At least for me. I can have 11,000 KFC drumsticks in a year with that amount of money. Which means that I can have around 900 KFC drumsticks in a month. Which means I can have 30 drumsticks per day. Assuming I spend 15 hours awake everyday, I can have 2 drumsticks every hour. Okay I think I should stop with the KFC shit.

Secondly, having a dozen websites done by the same person or organisation is really quite suspicious. I have no idea who the hell has the time and effort to do so. I already have problem trying to make my blog as happening as possible. To think about having to host 20 of them. But I guess money making organisations are suppose to be like that. This person must be making quite a lot of money.

Thirdly, Nixon? Who is Nixon. I only know one Nixon. He looks like a nice and quiet guy. The Nixon that I know is tall and specy. He does not seem to be involved in a company who is all so powerful.

The shit about spelling mistakes. People err. Leave the poor man alone.

On Xen Bar? Heard about it but never knew the price. At least I know I cant afford it. I will keep mum on that.

On Yan Qing, absolute gorgeous and pretty dancer. Elegant and Dignified. Taste in men, I will keep quiet on that.

On Justin, I will just keep quiet.

But still I will applaud Xen Bar for making the effort to organise a Salsa Event in our little town. My honest opinion is that the advertising was quite bad and the whole event seems quite dead prior to the Salsa Congress. There is no "Everyone is talking about it" feel going around.

I sincerely admire Xen Bar for making a contribution to the charity. But on the basis that they are not trying to launder.

I really love this quote.

"does the fact that if thaksin srinawat were to donate US$20 million to charities and yet be charged with corruption or improper business activities make him a responsible/ethical businessman"

Finally, I actually have second thoughts prior to posting this entry but since I am in a bitchy mood today.

To the hell with it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now, we really know who are the perpetrators of such bitchiness in this small island full of some 2000 salsa dancers. I am a personal friend of Nixon, and he's a nice fella.doubt he has any wish to stand on any side,maybe this time, suay tt he tried to put one leg into this forum and got amputated. my empathies, pal
Xenbar might not sound ethical, but they actually did a lot of activities to advertise salsa to fella Singaporeans and overseas, tho it might be some kinda misinformation.
"No matter Black cat or White cat, can catch mouse is Good Cat" right?
and what i learnt in advertising, whether Good or Bad advertising,is still Publicity. So, if anyone wants the school to close, best not even tok bout them.
However, I never fancied cockroaches and monsters. They're too vicious in the "history of mankind"

9:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

imho, the forum postings do have make sense. just that their expression is not-too-tactful. On the other hand, perhaps only such outspoken people will post such comments on public forums, while the rest of us just complain over teh tarik and prata.
i heart salsa - it brought lots of joy and colour into my life- I'm sure all the forum participants do too (thats why they bother to write at all). just that we have different means to meet our ends.
So in this xmas and holiday season, my wish is for more people to have an open mind and heart, and resist judging others using one's own parameters =)

hamster-ina (invisible except for a santarina hat and skirt, woohoo)

7:19 PM  

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