Tuesday, December 12, 2006


A little something on everything

Hey folks. I thank thee and everyone else out there who has been reading my blog. Who else but you to share my bitchiness. I guess its that time of the year where everyone is busy doing their own things and too busy blogging as I see few of the hard core bloggers updating their blogs. So sad that there is nothing for me to read during my lunch break. But anyway, I will be going for my trip now so I guess I better drop a few craps here and there for everyone. Its quite lame anyway but hope its entertaining. So take care and adieus.

A little something on teaching Thai

Hi Boys and Girls, Mr. Almost Virgin today will teach you a little something on speaking Thai. Remember to practice hard so that you can try to bluff your way through while communicating with Thai people.
So here goes.

随 : Pretty (Pronounced as Sui(1))
[English] This shirt is pretty.
[Thai] This shirt is随.

卖 : Negative Expression (Pronounced as Mai(4))
[English] This shirt is very ugly (卖随).
[Thai] This shirt is卖随.

骂骂: Expression for a lot, very much (Pronounced as Mak(4))
[English] This shirt is very pretty.
[Thai] This shirt is随骂骂.

撒挖的卡: Thai form of Greeting (Pronounced as Sa(1) Wa(1) De(1) Ka(4)) Often used with palms together placed in front of chest.
[English] Hello. How are you?
[Thai] 撒挖的卡. How are you?

色百的埋: Question form of greeting. How are you? Are you okay? (Pronounced as Se(3) Bai(3) De(2) Mai(1))
[English] Hello. How are you?
[Thai] 撒挖的卡. 色百的埋?

色百: A response to show that one is good, feeling okay. (Pronounced as Se(3) Bai(3))
[English] I am fine. Thank you.
[Thai] 色百. Thank you.

库困卡: Thank you. (Pronounced as Kup(3) Kun(1) Ka(4))
[English] I am fine. Thank you.
[Thai] 色百. 库困卡.

扑影: Girl, Lady (Pronounced as Pu(4) Ying(2))
[English] This is a lady.
[Thai] This is a扑影.

晶晶:Really (Pronounced as Jing(1) Jing(1))
[English] Are you sure? I confirm guarantee plus chop.
[Thai] 晶晶? 晶晶!!!

可腿: Lady Man. Ah Kua. (Pronounced as Ke(4) Tuai(2))
[English] This is a lady man.
[Thai] This is a可腿.

那卡: Expression used at the end of a sentence.(Pronounced as Na(3) Ka(2))
[English] That bitch tried to kill me leh…..
[Thai] That bitch tried to kill me 那卡…..

哈几湖与拉热弄: Expression for scolding vulgarity (Pronounced as Ha(1) Ji(2) Hu(2) Yu(3) La(1) Ren(2) Nong(4))
[English] @#$%^&*()@#$%^&*(
[Thai] 哈几湖与拉热弄

Story in English.
[Lestat] Hey Chantelle, how are you?
[Chantelle] I am fine. Thank you.
[Lestat] Hey, that girl is very pretty.
[Chantelle] Not pretty. Not pretty. That is a lady boy leh.
[Lestat] Really? Damn!! Freaking morons! @#$%^&*()@#$%^&*(

Story in Thai
[乐死他] 海, 缠跳。 撒挖的卡. 色百的埋?
[缠跳] 色百。 库困卡。
[乐死他] 海,扑影随骂骂。
[缠跳] 卖随。卖随。可腿那卡。
[乐死他] 晶晶?哈几湖与拉热弄!

A little something on teaching Singlish.

Hi Boys and Girls, Mr. Almost Virgin today will teach you a little something on speaking Singlish. Remember to practice hard so that you can try to bluff your way through while communicating with our fellow Singaporeans.
So here goes.

My name is...I'm
What's your name?Your?
Where are you from?Where your from? or Your from where?
Make yourself at home?Eh, don' shy
I really like the food.Food here is damn shiok man
Shall we meet up tomorrow?Tomorrow, you what time can?
I don't really understandHow come lai dat?
That's really interestingOh is it?
Work is fine.

Lai dat lor

I think you must have made a mistakeNeh mind
I don't understandSorry ah, can say again?
Can you repeat that please?Huh?
What is this?This is what?
What does it mean?What talking you?
Where are you up to tonight?Tonight go where huh?
I can't make itCannot make it lah
This is very niceEh belly nice one
Excuse me, where is the washroom please?Accuse me, toy-lert where?
Is there a problem?Got problem ah?
Where are you up to tonight?Tonight go where?
Can you or can't you?Can ah?
Yes.Can lah.
Yes. Of courseCan leh.
Yes. I think soCan lor.
Are you sure?Can huh?
You are sure then.Can hor.
Are you certain?Can meh?

A little something on acronyms

rinate Nightly Is Often Nice

Motion On Vets Is Dog’s Analogy

he Holy Underwear Means Peaceful Eternal Resting Sleep

Usually Party People Ejects Rapidly. Cute Lesbians Uses Brinjal.

ST James.
Street Technique. Jump Across Multiple Erotic Strippers.

A little something on jokes

Do not peek, try to answer the question before scrolling down. Don't cheat. Select all to see the answers. Select all by pressing on (Ctrl + A). Give it a try~~~

What is Happy’s surname?

Lee (Happily)

What is Happy’s gender?

Male (Happy Meal)

What is Happy’s Occupation?

Nurse (Happiness)

What is the name of Happy’s auntie?

Aunt Happy (Unhappy)

Why is my shirt Superman’s shirt always so tight?

Because he always wears a size “S” for his shirt.

Thats all folks. Love you!!


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