Wednesday, November 29, 2006


A Reader, A Supporter, A Motivator, A Friend

Based on a true story

I vividly remember the first time I met Lup Sap Girl. She waddled across the dance floor to where I was sitting. Me sipping on my Margarita, I totally ignored the existence of an angel in disguise. The music started playing to the four-beat Bachata and she started dancing with some weird guy that I can’t remember. That was how I first met her.

I looked in awe, feeling the titillating effect glowing from her. The moves, the look, the feel, which felt extremely, coincidentally, blended smoothly together just like an Oreo ice blended. She was smooth and she was not pretty. Pretty is too simple a word to describe her. Stunning should be the preferred choice of words. Unwillingly, I shifted my vision away from her and glanced around. I was not the only one. People were like zombies salivating at her. With eyes glued onto her, no one was talking, no one was dancing. Only observing and enjoying.

So badly, I wanted to have a dance with her. Someone at the back of my mind kept saying. "No Virgin, you are not up to standard. Please do not go and embarrass yourself!!!" Therefore I just sat there and looked, admiring the beauty of the dance. When the music stops, disgusted with myself on how pathetic and timid I have become, I went back to my drink and started chewing on my cigar. Making up all imaginations I can think of if I did dance with her.

Shortly, she camed up and asked me for a dance. My wildest dream happened. I was shocked, stunned and blown away. I stuttered for a second and I put down my Magarita. Summoning up strength and courage that has left me that day, I have decided to do it since its not an easy chance to come by. This was how we first met.

My palms are sweaty, knees weak and arms are heavy. My heart beating with sweat sliding down my back. I was scared and yet excited.

Music came, song came, lyrics came. For me, moves gone, beat gone, confidence gone. Every dog has its day. It was just not one of my better dance I suppose. Everything from good good good suddenly just turned bad bad bad. I was out of beat and I forgot my moves. I was not into the music and I lost my foot. People laughing and I look like a fool. And hell I almost head butted her. Now to think about that, it was pretty funny. The expression from her, priceless. Finally the song was over and I finally releases her from the misery of an awful dance.

I cannot dance anymore for shit. I just went back to my seat and looked at my Magarita. I felt bad. Just lousily bad. I blogged about it the next day and I promised the whole world that I will practice hard so that I will not head-butt her again and now the sequel.

The long awaited dance came this time. I was well prepared and very well warmed up for the dance. I summoned enough confidence and to do it like a man, I walked confidently to her and asked for a dance in which she politely accepts. All the drilling I remember I have put in will only last for the next three minutes but its all going to be worth it. I will show to the world and show it to her that I can do a proper dance too. This was how I met her for the second time.

Well I did a good one this time, I guess. I felt great and I think she felt great. The music was good and she was good. Its always happy to hear from some one complimenting you that she had a great dance. Smile flashes across her face after the music stops. I said thank you in the most appreciative way I could have ever said. Its like accomplishing something so big so huge, that something that you have been lingering for months now. I never danced with her again.

She is now still dancing, performing, doing everything about the dance. She is now happily in love, loving the man who loves her. I wish her all the best.

Flashbacks to me are always fond memories. I need an ignition to help me remember what I have foolishly forgotten. I thank her for initiating the first dance which although I fared badly but it did made me set up my mind to improve. I thank her for accepting my request for a second dance to show to myself that I have improved. I thank her for reading my blog and all the bitchy stuffs that I have written. I thank her for her support for me to participate in the Salsa Competition. I thank her for motivating me to a new level and I thank her for being my friend.

You think all this is real, 骗你的啦!

Johnny Kwek


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