Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Help me, My Friend!!!

I wished I had more time, but time is not on my side. The Salsa competition is causing a hell of a pressure on me.
  1. I have no mood to work.
  2. I have no time to keep Mrs Virgin company which I am very very sorry.
  3. I have no time to blog which I am so so sorry too.

I blame a lot of things and cicumstances for my current very disturbed emotions.

  1. I blame Union Square for not announcing the competition earlier.
  2. I blame myself for not practicing earlier.
  3. I blame the stupid weather for being wet wet wet everyday.
  4. I blame my work for making me work till 3 am last night.
  5. I blame myself for not knowing what to wear. (TG has already got herself a costume. Wah Kauz!!! Stress me lor!!!)

My whole body is aching from the intensive practice sessions we had these few days.

Topless girl is down with flu, cough, headache, everything.

My back is hurting, both thighs are weak and my shoulder is killing me.

I went to submit the application form yesterday and it seems that there is quite a number of people participating in this year's Salsa Comp. I see a stack of filled forms underneath the drawer. So it seems that the competition heat is on.

Bring it on!!!

I need to find a way to relax. Maybe going Sim Po Po will help. In another 30 minutes, I will be off for my practice session again. I have decided to use the ultimate method which I have been using the last year to release stress. I will be going Union tonight to dance it all out.

If you are out there supporting me, kiss me my friend.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

All the best! Must remember your initial reason for signing up - to have fun! and to experience the thrill of performing salsa in front of your friends :)

While wanting to give it your best shot (and not fall flat on your face while doing so), most people are already applauding your confidence and daring for joining the comp - so that's half the battle won ;)

Looking forward to cheering you on on 31 Dec!


10:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dun doubt your ability yea... jus go and do your best... we will all be there to support you!

11:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jia you.

I totally agree with the mad hamster running the wheel...half the battle has already been won.


12:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how dare u call my hamster mad, (tho she might be mad sometimes). geez

superman, tho u have superhero powers, u're only human. that courage to join the competition is already a superhuman feat =)

1:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jia you, Johnny!
i'm sure things will turn out fine for u!!
All the best for e comp!

6:57 AM  

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