Monday, January 08, 2007


I Used To Have A Dick

I used to have a dick
With a body nine inch thick
He is always full of tricks
And very attractive to the chicks

He is like a sweet candy
Always so sweet and tasty and yummy
But whenever he sees a pretty lady
He becomes a horny baby

I love to stroke it to sleep
It feels like caressing little sheep
He always love to wee
Whilst I whistle to the “Flight of the BumbleBee

It’s such a chore to trim his hair
But it’s funny to see him so bare
That day he spit onto my hair
And I gave him a good lashing on the chair

He really loves to hump
Just like Donald Trump
I happen to find him in a dump
But now he is so very plump

He was hit by SGB6548A that day
And coldly by the road he lay
I really hope that he can find his way
As my pet dog again one day

Johnny Kwek


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was funny ... (errr, icky crude) but creatively funny, especially the car part.

How do you think up of all this? Makes me wonder how your *cough* warped, oops, err I meant innovative, mind works.

Kudos, to one heck of a funny guy.

6:34 PM  

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