Thursday, January 04, 2007


The Post Salsa Competition Reflection

Its not that I want to be bitchy about it.
Its not that I want to be crappy about it.
Its not that I want to be all Johnny about it but…

Why are so many people joining the next year Salsa competition?

Why are so many people only joining the Salsa competition this year?

Why are people only joining the competition after I joined the competition?


The thing is I am sure that people think that even Mr Virgin can join the competition, so can you.

I am telling you, you can kiss my fatty ass.

You think you can beat me?

I will be giving you a tough competition this year.

Enough of this stupid shit, the thing is I am happy at least I inspired some people to go forth and give it a try.

Actually, participating in a competition is fun.

It is very fun.

Furthermore, it will bring you to another level.

You get to learn about discipline, coordination and teamwork.

It will definitely change your musicality, your technique and your body movements.

Since I did not even get a Play-Station, I guess I should not talk much.

But still I am encouraging everyone to give it a try this year.

It’s not a matter of winning as I will kick your ass, it’s about the experience.

I seriously think one should try it. It is very fun.

I do not dare to compare myself to Martin Luther King but I can see a glimpse of similarity.

I humbly stand in front of everyone saying.

“I have a dream. I have a dream that social dancers with passion will rule the salsa scene one day. Together we will unite and stand up for what we deem is ours. I have a dream today.”

People ask me whether Topless Girl will be my partner this year, and I will have to say it depends.

Why it depends because she is now super hot lor.

She has her own fan club already lor.

She received flowers and tons of people queuing up to take photo with her lor.


I can only squeeze in between her photos and hide and sulk in a corner lor.

Yes I am jealous.

I am very jealous.

Why is she getting more fame than me?

If you need me to wear a bra, I will wear a bra.

Life is not always fair, isn’t it? I want flowers so badly.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok ok all of Johnny's blog readers/fans/friends, enough bout this salsa comp talk.

For this year, Check out mediacorp's THEDANCEFLOOR

coz I'm in it ! we're the ONLY salsa team left in the competition and would like your support ( unashamedly )

sorry bro, have to hijack your blog to advertise my team. heehee~

the team name is VIVA !

5:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha, let us all support Viva as well..

Johnny, we share the same dream to make the local social scene a much more vibrant one than it is now. We can only grow from strength to strength, with committed people like you! :)

9:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm. is this propaganda i smell?

But best of luck to you, Boon and your team.

Jia you! :D

2:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If you need me to wear a bra, I will wear a bra."

- I'll get you the flowers!

5:48 PM  

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