Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Who’s your favorite partner? – Part 1

I am sure you have a favourite dancing partner.
Is it him, Hossan?

Or is it him, Xiao Qing?

My new super heroes are creating quite an overhaul with the scandals especially Mr Qing here.

But back to me.

When I walk into a club, after getting my drink, the first thing I would do is to look out for familiar faces. I look out for people whom I can bitch with who will update me on the daily scandals. I look out for people whom I can dance with so that I could be equipped with a constant flow of dance mates. I look out for arch enemies so that I can spike their drink when they are not looking.

I do have a list of preferred partners that I would like to dance with most of the time. The difference in preferred in this context would mean that out of Lady Boy A, Lady Boy B, Lady Boy C, I would prefer to dance with Lady Boy A but I would not opt out any possibilities that I will not dance with Lady Boy B. Although frankly, shamefully I do have a little black book of mine that I keep deep in my heart on some dancers that I would never want to dance with. Given the fact that I was violated physically and mentally before by these bitches, I deem the fact of refusal to dance as self protection.

As the salsa scene in Singapore is gradually blooming, I find myself losing a substantial flow of dancing partners. There are so many times when I find myself sitting or standing in a corner, yearning for a dance. The people around me would always be happily dancing while I can just look and learn.

I stand firm on my point that there are more men then women in Union Square. Men are like everywhere. Women are always on the dance floor. What does men resort to do? They start dancing with each other, they start to play pool and they start to form four-couple 8 men Rueda. In order to participate in a dance, I have seen men stoop so low as to wear a bare back evening dress, cross-dressing as a girl, so that he could dance that very night.

The good thing is Men are clever and they evolve. They start to find ways and means to provide a constant flow of dances. They decided to find girlfriends which they can simply dance with each other all night long. They resort to booking a partner by telling the whole world that she is my favorite partner and they will dance with each other all night long.

Excuse me if you sense jealousy squirming from this blog. Firstly, I agreed whole heartedly that she is your favorite partner. No doubt you love to dance with her. But please make sure that the feeling is mutual as you are stopping me to dance with her. More importantly, you are stopping her from dancing with me.

I asked Banana Man that night on who is his favorite partner. He reverted he has a lot of favorite dancers. I requested for him to name me a few so that I would know who his favourite dancers are so that I can share his favorite dancers.

Apparently he has quite a few favorite dancers. He has the Little Indian Girl, the Thai’s Girlfriend; he has even Princess K (K for Kuku Bird) and more and more.

Princess K!!!

She is 43633739's favorite dancer. People got boyfriend already so don’t play play okay.

But anyway who is your favorite dancer?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, the whole point of this post is really to tell the whole world that


Who ah??

7:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, that's a surprise ... always the last to know ...

10:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

fav dancer hmmm ..

chatsalot, topless girl and p. katrina (nt kuku bird ... unless they are related)

10:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Favourite dancer does not = Girlfriend

favourite girl does not = best dancer

hottest girl property ALWAYS = everyone guy's favourite partner ( no matter she single or not )

11:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



Even if she's offbeat, wiggles her butt and dances like she is a squid on fire???


If yes, I think then your theory would hold. It would also ascertain the fact that men are scum.

12:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought Princess K's favorite dancer is now Mr Fly?

12:43 AM  

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