Monday, January 15, 2007


Freedom Of Speech

I have a new super friend and his name is Annoyed Reader.

Annoyed Reader dropped me an email this morning to express his concern on how I can improve on my blog and my dance.

Attached his email...


Dear Almost Virgin,

I stumbled onto your blog recently and I would like to say that your blog is not interesting and it’s full of crap. The humour portrayed is insulting and degrades humanity. There are so many things about you and your super friends which are naive and stupid and worst of all, not funny. If you think your blog is popular and creative, which uses sarcastic jokes and make believe stories, that could raise your popularity level, you are making a mistake.

Apparently, I think your life is a mistake.

Furthermore I would like to add that I personally think that your competition dance was worst than amateurs. Please compare yourself to the rest of the dancers who performed that night and understand where you stand. Please do not make a fool of yourself again.

Annoyed Reader


I replied this morning via email.


Dear Annoyed Reader,

I have received your comments and feedback and I really appreciate your concern for me. I have no qualms that my competition dance was not up to the level for your appreciation and on the basis for my self-centered egoistic nature, I performed only for myself to enjoy the dance. I do not give a damn on what others say.

Secondly, I understand your disagreement on the cold, corny humour portrayed on my blog. Please understand that this is a personal blog. There is Freedom of Speech in my country and I bitch about everything that my imagination brings me. If you do not like my kind of humour, please discontinue all reading from my blog.

You really make me wonder why you sent me such a harshful email out of a sudden.

  1. Is it because all your girlfriend talks about now is me?
  2. Did you dream about me in your sleep?
  3. Did you dream about me and your girlfriend in your sleep?
  4. Is it because you just cannot figure out who are the superheroes in my entries and you are pissed?
  5. Is it because I slept with your mother?

But anyway, I will seriously reflect on your email and I will try to read it over and over again. Thanks for the time and concern that you have spent typing the email.

As I will be away for the next 5 days, I might not be able to reply you via email. For any comments, please put it in the comments box. I will revert to you shortly. Hope to hear from you soon.

Almost Virgin


I think something wrong with him..... crazy Annoyed Reader.

I will really be away for the next 5 days so please come back on Monday.

I am sick by the way. Just took MC to go home to play my Play-Station.



Blogger Johnny said...

On my way home in the lift, i realised that Annoyed Reader could be a lady. I am so sorry if I got your gender mixd up.

To show my sincerity, i came back to the office to type this comment.

And now i will be off.

10:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it happens when your blog is getting more popular. But, no worries, all who read you and know who you are, have the sense of humour to decipher what you and your blog are all about. Chin Up, Johnny!

11:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ermmmm ... if you don't like it ... here's a suggestion ... go elsewhere?

Everyone has their preferences and there will be cases when conflicts do arise. However, the mere fact that "Annoyed Reader" has taken such a personal stance against Johnny is by itself LAME. Sentences like:

1)"insulting and degrades humanity"
2)"naive and stupid"
3) "think your life is a mistake"

This is uncalled for. At least, have the moral decency to constructively "chide" rather than blatant stomping of another's persona. In writing such hate mail, you have only served to give notice on whom we should avoid. And that is not Johnny.

Perhaps in some way, you feel you've been insulted by this blog. That his blog has launched an attack on your personal "space". Well, the Internet is huge ... leave and go stumble some place else.

This is Johnny's view of fun ... and he has a right to say things he sees fit. Johnny's lingo is very frank and teeters on the edge of provocation, so if you don't know him ... you will sadly never appreciate his humour. He dares to speak his mind and unlike you, my dear "Annoyed Reader", he doesn't hide behind a pseudonym.

If this all a little too much for your little nickname to hide behind then, if you don't like it, there's a little "X" on top left of the screen ... Use It ... seriously.

1:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In case anyone missed it ... typo: I meant top right of the screen. But I'm sure whoever this "Annoyed Reader" would be chuckling incessantly on such a trivial matter.

1:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, it's cool that you're not affected by this...anyway, the world is sooo huge, we cant please everybody and we dont have to please them as well..
to hell with them ya.... ;)

1:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only famous ppl get hate mails. Wah lao, me jealous!!!

5:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its really funny to see Annoyed Reader...despite being annoyed...still reading a couple of your blog chapters .....I just somehow think Annoyed Reader is a guy....since most gals in union square are either in love with you..or working as waitresses.....but on a more serious note... my best guess is that he is just jealous....jealous that you picked topless gal to be your dance partner and not Him. Brilliant Me.... :)

7:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Almost Virgin,

You are pathetic. So you think that by putting up my email on your blog can win sympathy votes from your little circle of friends whom by the way are ridiculous.

Please understand that all of us live in a very samll society. Every little thing that you do are being watched. If you think that you only live in a world of your own with your stupid friends, then please behave while you are out there.

People knows. These little pranks of yours will be revealed in no time. Watch your words as I will make sure I will make you eat them one day.

The truth is out there.

Annoyed Reader

4:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Annoyed Reader,

Johnny doesn't need to look for sympathy. You make it sound as if he raped/molested/murdered/or even bitch slapped someone.

"People knows" "These little pranks of yours ..."

Knows what? Pranks?
You are being ridiculous. You have the audacity to shoot your mouth and still hide behind that pseudonym?

"Little circle of friends"

Well at least he has friends. Who stand in and vouch for him. People who hang with him and know him for who truly is.

Whereas you simply shoot your mouth behind a facade. Are you like mental?

"The truth is out there"

You watch too many X-Files and UFO crap. What truth? This blog is as frank as it gets. The only lie being perpetrated around is you "Annoyed Reader".

Stop your holier than thou persona, if you can't even stand by what you say. You have no right to level accusations and brow beat the rest of us since you're such a coward in the first place to hide behind the Internet ... prancing around as an "ANNOYED READER" persona.

I'm so tempted to slam you to high heaven but I refuse to devolve into the Neanderthal prose that you are so fond of.

That being said, I shall continue to enjoy these blog entries and ignore your "observant and insightful" musings. We have enough craziness in the world as it is.

5:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Johnny, I'm jealous.

I think you may actually have an admirer here.

He/she checks your blog and comments section on a daily basis! He/she even took the time to write u an email. How touching!~

The people I know just leave if they don't like what they read.


7:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Annoyed Reader,

Please identify yourself if you feel so strongly about your views. The anonymity is giving you zero credibility and you're just showing yourself to be a pathetic coward incapable of supporting your (venomous) words.

What are you scared of?


7:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Annoyed Reader,

I think you are very entertaining. Most of us are laughing. Well done!!! Keep up the good work!!

7:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lesson learnt : No matter how good or bad you are, you still get bitched.It's how your friends stand by your side in such circumstances and react to it that makes us a lil' stronger =)
this is unneccessary, and we do not need another grupolatin kinda thread here. I guess those salsa-internet terrorists have infiltrated their way to blogs like johnny's.
Dun worry, Johnny, you're still our Superman! ( who'll rid the world of such evilness! )
hee hee~

9:00 PM  
Blogger Johnny said...

Hey all,

Be cool. I received an sms from Invisible Woman today in the midst of my meeting to inform me that for once my comments has hit a double digit.

Using the excuse of a tummy upset and at the expense of my lunch hour, I took a taxi back to see all these comments. Annoyed Reader, you owe me $5.70 dollars for my taxi fare. Please understand your importance as I actually took a taxi.

I would like to express many many thanks to Annoyed Reader for bringing us so much joy and laughter as I have never seen my super friends so happy for a while now.

For your posted entry, I have a feeling that you would very much like to hurt me.

I am suddenly feeling very scared as I really think that you really loved me to the extent of hurting me.

In my course of dancehood in Union Square, I only remembered rejecting one person. If you are that person who wants to seek revenge on how I ridiculed you and rejected you then, I would say....

Go fug yourself..

We are not meant for each other.

And now you will need to owe me $11.40 coz I have to take a taxi back to me meeting again.

9:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the annoyed reader is jus jealous of your popularity and how you can heat up the dance floor with topless gal...

jus move on annoyed reader... wont you get even more ANNOYED reading our comments? gosh... how ironic..

btw Johnny... we all LOVE you! : )

12:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look, you guys are not giving credit to 'Annoyed Reader'

i support his views in his email.

at least he took the effort to oompose an email to at least get almost virgin's attention!

on top of that, he got a lot of pple's attention as well!!!! (GOLF CLAP!!!!)

(yes, im jealous cos i only constanly get dogbert's attention!)

i wan to add to to wat annoyed reader wrote....

I stumbled onto your blog recently and I would like to say that your blog is not interesting and it’s full of crap.

how can one's blog be interesting without me being inside!

its crap when u attach my pic to ur fren call salsa guru... pls go get a camera urself!

....that could raise your popularity level, you are making a mistake.

are u trying to to take part in the next Union Idol?

if so, pls let me know, i'll withdraw my application... sobz... sobz

Apparently, I think your life is a mistake.

If u carry on making my stomach ache and cramp after reading ur entries, ur life will be a big mistake!!!

i shall not comment on ur competition dance cos i failed im my mission to feed u sotong balls before its ur turn....

Lastly, standing on annoyed reader's side, we take on each of u and ur comments any day!

We will BRING DOWN your IQ level to be on par with us and beat u guys on experience!

2:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my my... for goodness sake, i've missed the fun over here.. hehe... My dear partner, Johnny is always so jovial. Whoever that person is, talkin in such a matter i tink u beta not talk too much or rather not to comment. Watever is it, Johnny, U will always have e Big group of us ... We def love u so much... haha....

10:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha, this is funny... Annoyed reader, keep it up manz.. it's ppl like you who makes us realise how lame and kokanaden people like you are. And johnny, you got urself an X-phile nerd, I mean X-shite for an admirer... a new toy! how cool! *plays x-files music* "The truth is out there".. yeah, we already know the truth... on how lame and attention starved you are... and please keep the "love" mails coming!

10:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hah! You have my support!

Let's all rally against cyperbullying -stamps fists on table-

2:42 AM  

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