Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Poems On Friends

I have a friend and her name is Erica
She was born in 1979 in a hospital call Tekka
She dances like a Si Gi Na
But at least she drives a Mazda

She has a friend and her name is
Who likes to drink daily with her lime in the Corona
She looks definitely better than a Tota
Especially when she starts to sip on her Margarita

She has a “Bro” whose name is Luke
One seeing him no one would need to puke
Because he is so damn cute
And he stands on the dance floor like a dashing Duke

Luke dances with a partner whose name is Lily
And she definitely smells better than my Kitty
I seriously consider it is such a pity
Because I think she is definitely more witty than her being pretty

And she has a friend whose name is Johnny
Who is so sociable that no one would feel lonely
No one knows his hobby is to eat Hokkien Mee
With extra Tau Gei and Mai Hiam please

Johnny has a good friend whose name is Boon
Who always dances like an arrogant Goon
His hobby is to look at the moon
And to lick on a spoon while flying his balloon

He has a girlfriend named Daphne
Who has a good figure and she is damn funny
She is a sweet lady with beautiful eyes
Although sometimes she can be as cold as an ice

Here comes her friend and her name is Jo
Who can be crazy sometimes and laughs like a crow
She can be your friend and not your foe
If not she can whip you till your Di Di cannot grow

If you don’t believe what I say of Jo
You can ask Chuan Ge and he will ask you to lie low
Chuan Ge comes in a shirt with a nicely wrapped bow
And he greets people with the word “Siao Bo

And that’s about it, at least for today
Here are some friends who can always make my day
The list does not end here, it wouldn’t be right
I will continue another day as it is no longer bright

I will rest my case and say good night.

Almost Virgin


Blogger audrey said...


Pls include prissybot and dinogaybot in your next poem.

11:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

evil audrey

6:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


no time to browse your blog and suddenly i saw my name mentioned. wat u mean i laugh like a cow????

6:12 PM  

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