Thursday, April 26, 2007


Life is Not Equal

We live a life where we want to have equality. We dig sexist remarks and we expect things to be partial every time.

For certain things there are exception, and we know it and we cannot complain.

[Female Colleague] “Boss, I am having a very bad PMS today. The flow is terrible; I don’t think I can make it into office.”

[Boss] “No problem. Take care of yourself. If it gets too bad, go see a doctor.”

And who do we blame for men not having period?

[Almost Virgin] “Boss, I am having PMS today. I feel horrible; I don’t think I can make it into office.”

[Boss] “Eh, you crazy issit? If you don’t come, then I WILL have PMS and then I WILL make sure YOU understand the true meaning of horrible.”

Equality? My foot!

Why does woman get the wholesome rights to wear pink? Woman should not have the distributorship to own the color pink. Pink should be deemed as unisex and it is deemed as unisex. Why do people consider pink to be sweet and demure?

Why do people go “Eeeeeeeeee” when I wear pink? Why do people say I look damn gay when I wear pink? Why to people think that I am a homo when I wear pink. Why would Corina ask me to check out that beefy piece of meatball when he is not handsome at all? Why the hell would people think I am gay? I am not Dino.

Equality holds when both parties have no idea what it means.

No one would ever know whether it is more painful getting kicked in the balls? Or is it more painful giving birth to babies. I mean no one would really ever know.

Equality will never hold.

A woman gets touched by a man and she screams “Molest!”

A man gets touched by a woman and he yells “Shiok Man!”

--------------are like apples---------------
----------on trees.The best ones------------
--------are at the top of the tree.---------
------The boys dont want to reach-----------
-----for the good ones because they---------
----r afraid of falling and getting hurt.---
----Instead, they get the rotten apples-----
---from the ground that arent as good,------
---but easy. So the apples up top think ----
---something wrong with them when in -------
----reality they're amazing. They just------
------have to wait for the right boy -------
-------to come along, the one who's---------
--------------brave enough to---------------
-----------------climb all------------------
------------------the way-------------------
-----------------to the top-----------------
----------------of the tree-----------------


-------------believe that they -------------
------- are the apples at the top of -------
------the tree. They always think that -----
-----they are so high up and they are the --
---best. These apples can wait. They will --
---wait until they become rotten and then --
----they fall onto the ground. Ants and –---
-----Cockroaches will come and eat them –---
------up and then they realized they -------
----------should have been grown -----------
-------------shorter so that at ------------
-----------------least someone -------------
------------------would have ---------------
------------------gotten them --------------
------------------rather than --------------
-----------------to be wasted --------------
----------------by some insects-------------



Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Why the hell would people think I am gay? I am not Dino."

I'm on the floor laughing!

One of your best posts yet!

4:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am gay because of Jeremy.

5:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

New name for Dino

In the sprit of the Movie Transformers ... here's


1:36 AM  
Blogger Dinorazzi said...

And jeremy should be named.. jeremyprissybot so that he can mate with dinogaybot to bear almostvirginbot

8:22 PM  
Blogger Johnny said...

Don't think I am not around and the two jokers can spam my blog.

But I must admit I totally dig the dinogaybot. Sounds damn classic!!

Hey Mama,
Its time for little almostvirginbot to have his milk.

8:26 PM  
Blogger Dinorazzi said...

get it from J1PrissyBot. He got big (.)(.). Transform, J1.

Transformers, more than meets the eye. Prissybot wage his battle to destroy the evil forces of the DinoGayBot. Prissybot, Jeremy in disguise. VirginBot, more than meets the eye..

8:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prissybot...."LJ" bian "GY"


10:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mate with DinoGayBot???

I'll go transform into PukaBot.

11:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

surprise! :)

Well dear johnny, i don't believe that girls hold the right to the colour pink. In fact, i do enjoy seeing guys wear pink shirts. No doubt that not everyone can carry off that colour (same for every other colour), but those who can should! It adds a slightly softer touch to the gungho side of men. To me, it says "i'm a man, but i can be gentle too". Nothing wrong with that!

if u've got it, flaunt it! ;-)


4:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry. I know you are straight. Hehe...

9:40 PM  

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