Wednesday, May 02, 2007


The deadly weapons

** I must emphasize that the following was all based on imagination and not by experience.

The perfect weapon for a quarrel lies in our everyday life. Man and women quarrel a lot. They quarrel about money, time, love, sex and very much more. Man and man quarrels a lot too. Nevertheless, woman and woman fights a lot but it is always an eye candy to see.

To use the perfect weapon in a perfect scenario gives a different effect.

A Glass of Water

The easiest, most accessible weapon, which could be effortlessly, obtained anywhere. It usually gives a splashing result and adds a cooling effect to the face or pelvis area, depending on where the splash was aimed at.
Suggestion: Use such tactic when your man initiates a break up

The Shoes

A deadly weapon at its best. To be aimed at a 45 degrees towards the temple area. To incur heavier damage, aim the pointed heels towards the target.
Suggestion: Use such tactic when your man kills your pet

The Table

The table, ooooo, the table. Best used when there is food on the table. Able to attract tons of attention and provides the best musical interpretation of breaking plates and glasses.
Suggestion: Use such tactic when you know your man spend the night not at home and not alone.

The Hand

Only when aimed at the perfect spot, will then give total redness to the skin and loud “bang” to the audience. Be prepared to suffer from serious pain to the palm of the hand. Always be smart enough to wear gloves. Self protection.
Suggestion: Use such tactic when you know your man kissed your best friend

The Spit

Whoever experienced from the spit will suffer life long trauma. A simple gesture from the mouth goes a long way. Preferred to accompany with tons and tons of garlic or with a load of mucus together. If targeted properly, able to blind the eye and cause serious damage.
Suggestion: Use such tactic when you know your man became gay.


Blogger Dinorazzi said...

.. / .- -- / -. ..- -- -... . .-. / --- -. .

3:31 AM  
Blogger Dinorazzi said...

.. / .- -- / -. ..- -- -... . .-. / - .-- --- !

3:32 AM  
Blogger Johnny said...

.- -. -.. / .. / - .... --- ..- --. .... - / -.-- --- ..- / ... .- .. -.. / .. / .-- .- ... / -... --- / .-.. .. .- --- .-.-.- / ... .. .- --- .-.-.- / .- -. -.-- .-- .- -.-- .-.-.- / .. / .- -- / -. ..- -- -... . .-. / ...-- .-.-.-

3:40 AM  
Blogger Boon said...

sigh. your drawing skills are as lousy as Audrey's...

next me (the designer) shall show u good drawing!


6:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is another hilarious post......makes me wonder where you got your material from.... btw i have been wondering, the bruise i saw on you the other day err................................................

8:28 PM  
Blogger audrey said...


Your drawing skills have improved. But mine still better. hahahaha!



My drawing skills are so NOT lousy lor! Okay, my challenge to you... You go and draw the same few things (namely spit,table, shoe and a hand)johnny drew on this post using Paint and post it on your blog.

Using Paint ah, don't go and use cheem designer software like photoshop. :P

8:40 PM  
Blogger Johnny said...

You two bitchy boy and girl.

I really spend a lot of effort to control my hand from shaking lor. I even have colours this time. See the shoe, so nicely designed. See the spoon and fork, so real and arty.

At least Audrey is encouraging.

Boon, you are a cock-a-nene. Someday you will become an Abu-nene

The challenge has been declared. You two go try to draw the same thing on your blog lah.

Then I will start a poll here.

The winner gets a piece of mud pie from TCC.

-- Sponsored by Almost Virgin.
The charity organisation for all the virgins.

9:18 PM  
Blogger audrey said...

Ok, i've updated my blog.
Go check it out.

But first, hand me my mud pie. And I don't mean in my face. :P

12:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

U guys are nuts ... so whats new eh?

6:19 PM  

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