Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Consumer has rights to bitch and complain

Consumer has rights to bitch and complain, am I right?
The following is based on fact and names have not been altered as I have no intention of protecting any parties.

The story goes as so.....
I was awaked from my Sunday afternoon nap when my phone started ringing. I answered in a sleepy voice.
[Johnny] Hi Johnny speaking.
[Coordinator] This is Sharon calling from True Yoga and we would like to ask you down to our fitness centre for a free trial.
....... I start to ask a lot of question......
[Johnny] Sure I will be down on Monday Afternoon at 12 pm for the quick walk through. See you there.

On Monday 12 noon, I went down to the outlet next to OUB Building. A lady by the name of Gina Tan (Assistant General Manager) decided that she will tour me around. The place was a 5 level storey fitness center but everything was still under renovation. The carpet was not done, the floor still show traces of cement. All machines were not loaded and Gina would just rattle on saying "Yes yes the equipments would be there and there and there". It was a total waste of my time. Since if everything was not ready, then the hell with the walk through. As a Singaporean who is quite calculative with price, I decided to ask about the member ship fees. "So for a monthly fee, it’s about 250", she said. Well that is quite steep I said to myself. Being a life time member of California fitness which I joined a year ago, I decided to ask about the premium membership. She said, "It’s quite expensive". Damn it I know it’s quite expensive, I paid over 3K for my Cali membership and all I need to know is your price. Are you thinking that I can’t afford. Go do a horse man. I enquired again. "So expensive would mean around......?" She replied in an affirmative tone. "That would be around 7k or so." I replied "That is quite steep as compared to the rest of the fitness centers in Singapore". She smiled and said "Our club is very exclusive and we target an age group of consumers between 30 to 60 years old where they are capable of having a very stable lifestyle."

A few points I need to focus on here.
1. She thinks that I am poor and I can’t afford.
2. She thinks that people under 30 yrs old are not capable of living a stable lifestyle.
3. She thinks that me being a life time member at Cali is not as exclusive as being a member at True Yoga.

Attitude from a sales person like Gina will never get her anywhere. She is unable to give an exact quote of the price list to the customers. She only targets European and older men. She is unable to compare and illustrates the strength of her product to the clients and the advantages of their company over the others.

Me disappointed and not amused has decided to leave and leave her alone to deal with her PMS.

The next day, Sharon the coordinator called me again.
[Coordinator] Hey Johnny, it seems that you were not able to make it on Monday. Shall we arrange another date again?
[Johnny] Actually I went to the one next to OUB Building besides Watson, but everything was in a mess and I didn’t appreciate the attitude by your fellow colleague when I was there yesterday.
[Coordinator] I think there must be a miscommunication as you will need to go to another not the one you went yesterday. That one is still under construction. How about you make another trip to the one at Oceans Tower.
[Johnny] Firstly, it’s beyond my wildest dream to enter a place as renowned as True Yoga to see everything so unorganized. It is still under renovation. I am not a construction worker to see if everyone is wearing their safety shoes and helmets. I am a consumer meaning I should be enjoying the air-con, the sofas and the nice cozy environment. Furthermore your colleague’s attitude really pissed me off.
[Coordinator] I am afraid that there must be a serious case of miscommunication. How about I set you up for another one on Wednesday by someone else. C’mon give it a try again.
[Johnny] hmmmmm...... Okay I will see you on Wednesday at 12 noon.

I am at Ocean Towers Level 2, greeted by a new sales person by the name of Nicole Tan (Membership Consultant). She toured me around very pleasantly and the place was fully renovated and functionally working. She carefully explained on the price range and the classes that they offered although the names and terminology used was like a stranger to me. But very often, words that sound complicated always seem to make more sense. For example she started saying they offer different level of Yoga like Antenatal, Iyengar and Svastha. Which to me seems so alien and does not make sense but its okay let’s move on? I started touring around the area, found the class rooms spacious and clean. I would note as a very conducive environment for Yoga although I am not a practitioner of Yoga neither a believer. Suddenly, I noticed Gina Tan the manager which toured me around previously walked past me. Her presence rekindles the mental image of the shitty attitude I received previously from her. A force, a natural sense of bitchiness from my inner self started to pour. I opened up to Nicole on the bad experience I encountered with Gina. I blabbered I rattled I droned on the worst attitude I ever received. Nicole listened patiently and accepted my comments whole heartedly. Anyway the whole walk-through was coming to an end and I was about to pick up my arse and walk out of the place. Before I left, Nicole said something to me. "Actually Johnny, the lady you were complaining about to me just now, Gina, she is actually my sister."

I stumbled for a while, and I said "What a small world". If what Nicole said was in scorn, I have no problem accepting it. I was just a normal consumer raising an issue on the sales person's attitude. To be frank Nicole, it does not matter whether Gina is your sister or not, but I guess someone should strike the correct attitude in her brain. To the big guys behind True Yoga, do something!!!

From an unpleased customer

PS: I have yet to send this mail out but I would like to know the response of this issue from my readers. Please advise.


Blogger audrey said...

I think u need to be angrier and bitchy.

Take it from me...I'm your bad tempered friend, remember?


11:07 PM  
Blogger Gabrielle said...

pay me 2k and i'll be ur personal trainer!!! lol!!

10:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think it's perfectly reasonable to give feedback about a service staff's mannerism and conduct, but if you start personal attacks, you'll just be sinking down to their level.

That said, if it were me, the b*tch would have had it.

ST Forum is publishing all sorts of readers' letters these days. You can try writing in ;)


10:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that is HAPPENING to me right now with California Fitness. i'm taking the step Over to orchard branch to "talk things out" with them, according to the counter guy i called. fancy these brands being SuperBRand.. i dunno how the Tourism board can put Cali Fitness as a superbrand. they'r shit. totally lost confidence in them.

that teaches me one thing. Having Money doesn't equal to a more "high class" look and feel. that's what our service industry really lack.

12:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey forget about Cali. Fitness First rocks!

8:39 AM  

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