Thursday, June 28, 2007


Rueda Competition is Tomorrow. WTF??

Hi friends,

I will be participating in the ever first Rueda Competition. I must admit after 2 competitions, the fear of an audience has became lesser. But no doubt, the kick of performing live in front of so many audience is still driving me crazy.

It gives me an orgasm every time I think of it.
Plus my rueda team, we call ourselves Los Lomantics, comprising of
the cute and sweet Hamster girl,
the sensitive and caring Fire Warden (Assistant)
the creative and talented Batman,
the Almost and Virgin Superman,
are gonna try our very best to entertain you with a choreo NEVER seen b4 in Singapore to a song NEVER heard b4 in Sg salsa scene! what's more, we're really a group of friends, not affiliated to any team for this once, coming together to do something so fun, we always end up laughing at ourselves ;)

We are the Los Lomantic and we are very romantic.
We are simply fantastic and we are rueda fanatics.

Calling out for help, please do cheer for the Los Lomantics. A constant cheering through out the entire performance will be good as it makes me feel safer when the frequency of your voice rings across my ears. You complete me. Silence during my performance will demoralise me. Will you do me this favour?

Secondly, another favour, I need all your help to do this. You may not be a Rueda dancer, you may not even be a Salsa dancer, but I am sure you can do this. This is not finalised but assuming it does.



Almost Virgin.

Thursday, June 21, 2007


A Demonstration of Contemporary Style Dancing

Words have no meaning anymore. Just watch it!!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Water Shortage

As part of my job, I have to deal with public relations, which denotes PR.

PR signifies that you will be Probably Raped and always getting Push aRound and we play the part of the Pretentious Role.

I do have clients which are so unreasonable and rude and mean and evil and crazy that I really feel like strangling their neck, pull their hair, pinch their cheeks and smack their ass.

But what to do, clients are clients. They are the one showing me the money.

The funniest email came to my boss today and she showed it to me.


I came to realize that whenever your colleagues come to our office, our office will have a shortage of water. Your kind gesture of 10RM will be deeply appreciated whenever any of your colleagues pop by for any meeting or other support issues.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Yours Truly,

Just because my colleagues re-filled their water bottle from their water cooler, they are charging us money.

Now you understand why banks are rich?

Monday, June 18, 2007


AlMoSt dYiNg ViRGiN™ [Updated]

I decided to take a minute off my freaking busy schedule to pin down my thoughts.

I am taking part in a Rueda competition on the 30th June.
I am taking part in a dacning performance on 7th July 2007.

My work schedule is damn busy. Life sucks. I am too lazy for sex. I am losing weight. I am losing sleep. My shoulders aches. My triceps hurts and my back is killing me.

I have Rueda training on Monday.
I have perf team training on Tuesday.
I have Rueda training on Wednesday.
I have Rueda training on Thursday.
I have perf team training on Friday
I have perf team training on Saturday.
I have Rueda training on Sunday.
I have perf team training on Sunday.

I attended Shaka Brown classes.
Went to attend Enmotion Shaka Bling Bling.

I have no time to sleep. I have no time to social at Union Square. I have no time to bond with my Reuda friends. I have no time to drink with my drinker friends.

Is this worth it?


If no blood was shed, no empire will not be created.
If no passion was involved, zombies will roam the earth.
If no viagra was invented, some people would have problem with sex.
If no ecstasy was made, then what is life all about?


I was just given the orders by the man himself, Mariachi.
"Johnny you need to get your ass here tonight and everynight till saturday"

Tuesday - Sharon Pakir and her Team

Wednesday - Sunny Boy's Birthday

Thursday - Tertiary Night => Many Young Girls + Sharon Pakir and her Team

Friday - DJ Spin Contest - The 2 out of 3 Angels => DJ Michelle and DJ Dalina

Saturday - SuperNova Salsa Team Qualifying

Starting from now, I will sacrifice my toilet time.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Only If.........

How I wish I could just....

read a book
lay on a mat
sip on a coconut
listen to salsa
hug my woman
trim my eyebrows
cut my toenail
massage my bruises
have a McSpicy
watch Stephen Chow movie
watch my artistic videos
go for shine classes
visit the musuem
go to gym
buy a shirt
drink a galleon of beer
meet up with my closest friends
sent a postcard
go alexandra to eat my barbeque fish
visit my grandma
visit the orphanage
visit the old folks home
buy underwear
do my blog

What have I been missing? Oh dear!!!

Only if.....

Only if.....

Only if.....

Only if.....

I had the time!!!

Friday, June 08, 2007


What is Rueda?

Damn it!!! What is Rueda?????

Will someone please enlighten me on what is Rueda? Seems that there are so many restrictions to the so call “The enlightening Rueda”, everything seems to be such a chore now.

On the web, this is the so called Rueda.

During the late 1950's in Cuba, there was a popular dance that was done in the streets and in the clubs, and in peoples' homes. It was called Casino Rueda, or Rueda de Casino, or simply Rueda.
Rueda simply means "wheel". Casino refers to the kinds of turns and breaks you might normally see in ordinary partner Salsa Dancing. What makes Rueda unique is that the dancing is done in the "wheel", as a group, with the "followers" being passed in the wheel, rapid exchanging of partners, and many complicated moves -- sometimes done as wheels within wheels -- and all done in time with "hot" Salsa music. Each move, or "call", has a name, and is called by a leader of the Rueda, sometimes in very quick succession. Many of the moves also have hand signals as well as names, in order to be able to dance in a loud club setting. The Rueda can be as small as two couples, or as large as a space can hold -- as many as a hundred couples.

When dancing Rueda, there is a new group dynamic that happens. What is not obvious when watching Rueda, is the new level of awareness required to have a group dance flow smoothly, and look sharp AND keep it fun! Dancers learn to open their sphere of awareness, their peripheral vision, beyond the normal restricted "bubble" of solo or partner dancing. In this way, dancers coordinate and adjust their individual feel and timing and style so as to make the Rueda "click". When this happens, it is very exciting indeed! A unique group feeling develops, and you can feel the whole wheel ebb and flow, and "breathe" to this wonderful AfroCuban/LatinAmerican music. The result is an exciting Dance, exciting to do, exciting to watch!

The form of the Rueda -- passing partners in a wheel -- may reflect some influence of French Court Dances (brought to Cuba by Haitians), blended with the Afro-Cuban movements. With Cuban emigration to the US -- mainly into Miami -- the Cuban culture, music and dance blossomed, and, along with Mambo, ChaCha, and "Salsa", Rueda re-emerged and became popular in the Miami clubs in the 1970s and 1980s. Today there are many places to learn and dance Rueda in Miami.

To the **** with this.
See my interpretation of Rueda.

The gist of Rueda is to move in a Circle, meaning you have to switch partner. Not once, not twice, but consistently changing partners.

Isn’t this enough?

Furthermore, you do not really have to move in a circle. You can move in square, triangle, rectangle, crazy shapes, it doesn’t matter, as long as your partner is consistently changing.

Right? Am I not correct?

The second thing. Why why why why why why why must we rueda in a 100% Salsa song?

Why why why why why?

I strongly believe that we can dance to any music as long as there is an 8 beat cling in the music. We can do Salsa, Bachata, Merengue, Cha Cha Cha or anything as long as it is an 8 beat consistent music. Why is there a need to have a distinguished 100% Salsa based music? Does it matter? Would you lose the feel of a Rueda?

No!!! Obviously.

You think I cannot do Rueda to the sound of “Only You”. Maybe it is going to be a bit slow, but it is still danceable. And you think I cannot Rueda to Eminem’s Rap? This time round, it might get a little too fast for my stumpy feet, but still, its danceable. Right?

The last and final thing. Is it because of the public opinion that distinguishes a Rueda song. On the dance floor, the band or the DJ start to spin the legendary “Rueda” songs. The crowd goes crazy and they starts to yell.

Rueda!! RueDA!!! RUEDA!!!!

The dancers go wild and they start to dance in a circle.

How the hell did they know this was a Rueda song?

Who said so I pondered?

“The good dancers say so lor”

I went to ask the good dancers who said so.

“Don’t know leh, whenever this song pop up, and people sure Rueda one.”


So now it comes down to a generalization remark.

I asked a advanced dancer that day and this was the feedback.

"A rueda circle needs to have a very high energy level and very up tempo beats in order to perform a rueda performance. Definitely moves has to be executed by all dancers together in order to display the gist of Rueda. The calling would help bring the energy to another level. "

Calling out for help to all Salseros and Salseras, can I Rueda to a love song?
I know I can.
But is it right to do so??
Can I do Rueda in a straight line?

Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Camera Whoring Time!! Whoopee!!!

Do you think SalsaSingapore will sue me for this? Gerald, Vivian, if this is not deem appropriate, please do tell me. I will remove from my blog.

My Perf Team. I still think I am the cutest.

My dancing partner. Which denotes, we are only partner on the floors. Please, people, please intro cute boys to her.

My perf team acting crazy.

Homo, Lesbian and Gay

All of us in the picture.

Whose breast did I lay my hands on? My own!!!

Stupid John Stupid john Stupid John

My auntie Chrissy!!!

Oh man, check out my double chin!!! Shit manz, I'm getting too fat.

Monday, June 04, 2007


Why do women like bad boys?

I was combing the net for artistic articles and I happen to bump onto this.

Why do women like bad boys?

Have you ever wondered why THAT guy always seems to get the girls? He's brash, cocky and he marches to the beat of his own drum. He's on (or over) the edge, bordering on rude and doesn't seem to give a damn about anyone but himself - what exactly do women see in a guy like that?

You consider yourself outgoing, but conservative; interesting but a little shy; you can keep a conversation going, but with the right people... sounds good doesn't it? Why do the bad boys always seem to get the ladies?

Here are 7 reasons why:

1. Rebels are confident

That's right. They wouldn't be able to pull off half of the antics they do if they weren't brimming with confidence. Bad boys aren't just confident around their friends, either - their cavalier attitude is in everything they do, from eating their cereal in the morning, to asking the bartender for a cool glass of draft... to talking to the ladies on the balcony at a friend's party. No matter where you look, women find confidence a major turn on.

2. Rebels are indifferent

Bad boys just simply don't give a damn. They can take it or leave it. That's one reason why they fare well with women. If a woman says no, who cares? They move on to the next one, and they do it with the same verve and maverick attitude as they did the last one. Here is a great quote, "Mr. Right doesn't necessarily care if he is Mr. Right." That's indifference in a nutshell.

3. Rebels are exciting and adventurous

Ask yourself, "when was the last time I took a walk on the wild side?" If you are asking yourself that question, then you obviously aren't a rebel. The 'bad boys' are always testing the boundaries and pushing the envelope when it comes to their life - and women can't get enough of it. They find it intriguing. And when you put exciting and adventurous beside the other rebellious traits, it sends women into a tizzy.

4. Rebels are challenging and mysterious

Women don't dig men that are pushovers. They also don't like men that they can see coming a mile away. Contrary to the belief women like men they can read and men that provide them with a sense of security, women actually LOVE to guess! It is challenging for them, and it is one of the elements of the bad boy that keeps them coming back for more!

5. Rebels are very masculine

This often goes hand-in-hand with being confident, indifferent, exciting, adventurous... etc. Bad boys are often rugged and in-control. That doesn't mean controlling; they just know how to get what they want. They speak clearly and confidently, they look you in the eye, they are passionate about what they believe in... but most importantly, they still know how to treat a lady.

6. Rebels give women a feeling of power

The illusion of control is often more powerful than control itself. Power within a relationship, power outside of a relationship - it doesn't matter - being with a bad boy, encompassing all of the above traits, gives women an air of strength and togetherness. Essentially the confident, cocky bad boy image rubs off a little bit on her - and she laps it up!

7. Rebels know how to talk to women

If they weren't confident, rebels would not be the chick magnets they are. Instead of indifferent, they would be self-conscious and non-committal (how many women have you passed up because you didn't think you were good enough?) - you see, rebels don't care. Rising to the challenge, living the wild side of life, being something more than conservative, and keeping her guessing about you - and her - it's an explosive combination! And one that is geared to success for the dating male.

The combination makes the talking part almost a given - considering the woman's interest has already been sparked. Talking with them is just the part that reels them in. And the bad boy knows how to tell her just what she wants to hear.

Rebels know how to talk to women because they are all of the above. Confidence followed up with indifference, sprinkled with a little bit of mystery, intrigue and excitement is what attracts most women to start. That gets you the 'in' to talk with them - they're interested, now you have to show them what you've got. Figuring those things out is the trick. Bad boys use their conversational skills to keep a woman interested and wanting more - and you can too.

So are you a bad boy?

Sunday, June 03, 2007


Colors on the Salsa Floor

As the mesmerizing hip motion moves up and down, left and right, I was caught with the reflection of the color contrast. Now you see white, now you see black. White then black. White, black, white, black. The thin skirt flapping across the fair skin caught my attention with the short glimpses of color change.

I said, “Wah Lan eh, damn disgusting.

“Dun bluff lor, you men always like cheap thrills like that.”

I pondered over her answer and I ask myself. Do men really enjoy cheap thrills like these? Women knowing such weaknesses, deliberately allow such little loopholes for men to fall in and ogle over such minute excitements.

Simply said, covering the upper body, a lady with nice long legs would usually pull the trigger. Something exciting underneath can make the difference also. Meaning, if such sudden glances and you see some little words underneath written such as “What are you looking at?” Such excitements will actually work wonders.

But the fact that the girl is not pretty, she has elephant thighs and intentionally wearing super short flair skirts and a damn disgusting ******, WAH LAN EH. SUPER CMI.

I apologized for sidetracking and let’s get back to the main topic.

Colors. It’s weird that we play with colors all the time and definitely on the dance floor. Red is a very Salsa color because it is a very hot and sensual dance that we are doing and red represents passion, love and lust. It is a color that the devil can pull off very well.

Black is a very sleek color. It represents coolness, attitude and style. Most people can pull off black very well as it is the basic color. Black is simple yet sophisticated and easy to wear for fat people like me. Makes me look slimmer. Black is also good for hiding as it blends well with the surroundings and people can’t see me. Welcome to the dark side.

From my very own friend, she said she don’t really enjoy dancing with men in black. A very surprising statement indeed and the logic I do not seem to understand. So I asked like a gentleman for an answer.

Her answer is, “When men spin me too fast, I turn and turn. If he wears black, it is quite difficult to spot him and all I can concentrate is on his teeth. If he doesn’t smile, lagi better, I usually land up with another guy.

The morale of the story, “Never wear full black attire while spinning a girl.”

Friday, June 01, 2007


The Salsa Movie

In response to my slut’s latest post, I would like to add on to some very disturbing comments I have been receiving recently.

In a night of salsa lust, everyone play a role. There are tons of characters for everyone to play and hallucinate themselves to be in. We cannot do with one less role play from each of the actors and actresses. Role playing here defines being into character. It is quite similar to Sluts wearing Nurse Uniform, or Ah-Bengs acting Nerd. Some of them come in Superheroes outfit; some come in crazy clown suits.

The underlining issue here is that what role would you like to play?

In my recent list, there are a few categories. There are dancers, drinkers, hookers and onlookers.

For dancers, we further categorize them into pure dancers, pretence dancers and cannot-dance dancers. For pure dancers, we further classify again into smooth dancers, crazy dancers, chaotic dancers, fun dancers, cute dancers, horny dancers, salivating dancers, fat dancers, short dancers, smelly dancers, touchy dancers etc.

For drinkers, there are tons of drinkers around. Some drink to get drunk, some drink to get high. Some drink to wet their lips. Some don’t drink at all but keep going to the toilet. I don’t really understand this point.

For hookers, blah blah blah blah blah. Yes you are right. I shall not comment more.

For onlookers, we can further split them up into interested lookers and uninterested lookers. Interested lookers are here to learn more about salsa and what it is all about. These are cool people whom I believe will one day share the same passion like me who will love Salsa. For people who came because of what the soothsayer says, salsa is a scene where the legendary killer boys and the hunting girls lay, I also believe that they one day will fall for Salsa, as what the soothsayer says is totally true. For the uninterested people who came only for the free drinks, please try to steer clear from the dance floor. Since you don’t dance and you have a huge ass, get lost.

So what was the very disturbing comment to make Almost Virgin so damn upset?

They say I belong to the drinkers. *Sob* *Sob*




I thought....

I thought....

I thought....

I belong to the Hookers. *Wink* *Wink*