Thursday, March 08, 2007


What is Love?

Recently, a very good friend of mine has been finding answers to cure his immense amount of feeling to be in love. For such a gay friend of mine to have such mixed feelings, I am sure that it must be troubling him to a certain extent.

Dear Paparazzi, please find my comments to your recent post.

What is love?

Love is not: 2NaCl + 2H2SO4 + MnO2 --> Na2SO4 + MnSO4 + 2H2O + Cl2.

This is not chemistry for love.

Love is support, understanding, care and most importantly, passion.

There is no fixed formula to love someone. It is not like when you have all the elements equipped, you know that you can start loving someone.

Love is something that is nurtured over time.

Love at first sight. I never fully support this statement to any extent. My friend used to tell me, "Hey dude, I love this girl."

How much do you know a person to love a person? If you love a person even without knowing his/her name, in Cupid's love book, how is he supposed to write down the names?

Does great sex constitute to loving a person?

"I had sex with her all night long and it was the best ever."

Are you sure that love is just about sex? There are more than 1000 prostitutes in Singapore and I am sure that you can find love there if this is the case.

This must be true love? Some things are just destined.

I am sad to say that I see no facts in this statement. I think love is something one creates. It’s a matter of how to make things work.

I think getting to know a person well is very important. Let me emphasize the beauty of love in my definition.

1. Support

In each of our daily lives, we make decision. We make decisions to have chicken rice for lunch and we make decisions to alter the ways our life was meant to be. This decision might not solely be for personal objectives but rather it will also be dependent on others. Sometimes, we make decisions that are major which will incur a drastic change in human and environment behaviors. As a form of respect, we are willing to voice and discuss. But still the final decision is based on oneself. If one chooses to make a decision, all one can ask for is support. If a partner is unable to give that kind of support, it will only incur more troubles for your partner.
Let me list an example. If I were to change my job scope now from Banking to Sales, I would be jobless without an income, will my partner support me for doing so. I have my own reason for making this decision and I only opt for support and not anything else. If my partner insists on not giving me support on this and threatens to break up with me, would I still deem this person as a partner.

2. Understanding

Some things are easier said than done. A certain level of chemistry and understanding denotes a perfect relationship. I can say that you have attained the level of trust and understanding when your partner can tell your feelings even without you saying a word. Silent understanding is the most difficult and the most sacred. This is very difficult to come by.

3. Care

You care for your partner and you are worried for your partner and you think about your partner. You are afraid that her menstrual cramp will affect her health and you are afraid that the knife will cut her finger. Will you be willing to go down to Geylang to get her her favorite Bean curd when you stay in Jurong? Are you willing to brace through the storm to bring her to the doctor even though she only had a pimple outbreak.

4. Passion

I really need to emphasize that Passion does not denote sex. Do you feel like grabbing her hands and hold it closely next to yours? Do you have the urge to buy her that dress you see on the mannequin? Do you think of lying next to her watching her sleep? Do you have the urge to call her just to check if she was bored? Do you have the urge to grab her close and tell her you loved her? Are you able to do anything and everything for her?

Please forget all the bullshit I have stated. What I really want to say is that it is not easy to love someone. But you can start by knowing someone better and who knows one day this liking may become love eventually.

And as my conclusion, I would say love is nothing until you experience it. So I am really suggesting for you to go ahead and experience it. Regardless whether the love potion is bitter or sweet, you would never know until you sipped it. You are not young anymore and we are all matured adults here. You would never know until you try. So shed that gay shell of yours and move on. Move to somewhere where you will experience something that no man can give you.

Almost Virgin


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel there are various levels of love ... love of a pet, love of a friend, love of a parent, and love for another. In between there are many shades of gray. As such, when do we denote when one is IN love as opposed to be in a semblance of love.

To me, love goes beyond ... support, understanding, care or passion ... love is sacrifice.

To love unconditionally, through the good and bad times ... through circumstances so trying that separation would be the only recourse. To be able to love someone, even when afar ... physically, emotionally, spiritually ... to willingly let go when their loved one's happiness brings them into the arms of another, to willingly forcing back the tears, the ache, the pain and just be happy for wherever their loved one's path leads them

In essence, ove, for me, is allowing another to choose their path of happiness and being happy for them ... always.

To all those quick trigger forum trolls,its just my humble opinion, of course.

11:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, one more thing


and errr ...

No.2 as well :p

11:16 PM  
Blogger audrey said...

I agree with Jeremy, who has so succinctly put it. Love is sacrifice.

Love is also meant to be experienced, not just talked about.

So mr razzi, quickly go do something about it. The sooner the better please.

12:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Before 1 person can start to love another, he/she must 1st love himself/herself.

The key to happiness is to love who you are, not who others want you to be.

(doesn't that make me a sociopath????)

Yeah! I love that about myself!!!

p.s. some of the above is crap IMHO

1:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

above meaning my own comments!!!

1:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As what Dilbert said, loving oneself .. that's is so essential on so many levels.

Cos if u dun love yourself, otherwise u'd nvr be able to know what u want,u'd always be too accepting and u'd nvr truly be happy ...

And yet, like all things tho .. moderation ... too much love of oneself borders on narcissism and selfishness

2:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Johnny and friends,
I totally agree with Dilbert bout loving oneself first, then you can attempt to love others. Those who put others in front of them too often and end up not loving themselves for who they are and sacrificing Everything for their so called loved ones.. are in my opinion ( read audrey's definition of opinion in her blog, b4 bashing me.. hehe), STUPID people.
Dear virginboy, what you've written certainly raises the bar for "how to be a good bf/gf/partner", esp to the typical Singaporean girl. tsk tsk~ "would you go to rochor to buy beancurd for your girl even tho she lives in Kranji"... sounds too familiar isn't it? haha

but I agree with virgin(less)boy. all 4 points are very true, perhaps too true.. that it might scare the fake-gays-who-are-single-but-too-scared-to-love.

9:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't pretend to know what love is for everyone, but I can tell you what it is for me; love is knowing all about someone, and still wanting to be with them more than any other person, love is trusting them enough to tell them everything about yourself, including the things you might be ashamed of, love is feeling comfortable and safe with someone, but still getting weak knees when they walk into a room and smile at you.

4:22 AM  

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