Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Play Station – An Inconvenient Truth

Play Station - A toy viewed by the general public. An object that will only be used when one is bored.

No one has ever really understood the weight of its significance.

Only on days like these, I sense its importance and its being in my life.

“Are you free tonight?” said the lonely virgin.

“I have to work tonight, I’m sorry” replied the workaholic.

So its yet another lonely valentines. It is only on times like these that I realized that all my friends around me are attached. Some how I wished they could be single again.

Who and what can I sought for now to cure me of my loneliness? I will not at any expense go to the dance club as I will be some how deemed as a loser to go there on Valentines?

I can fork out all the questions that will be asked if my presence was realized there.

“Why are you here on Valentines? You no girlfriend meh?”

“Alamak, weird to see you here on Valentines? You gay ah?”

“So what should I do today?” I pondered. Maybe I could go to the gym, maybe I can go swim or even maybe I could go read a book or something.

Some how my basic instinct told me that it would be better that I stay indoors today as the sight of the mating love birds could be so awkwardly disturbing.

I turn to my comfort zone. I turn to my Play Station. It is the one who accompanied me through my birthday. It was it who spent time with me on Christmas and I am definitely honored to spend valentines with it.

I came to realize I cannot do without it. What if one day it is sick and not able to function? On days like these, who can I turn to? I cannot imagine and I will not imagine.

May God bless it with Longevity……


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think its fine to go to Union if one does not have much plans for the night.

I mean if its fun, then why not? True, questions are bound to arise but so what ... tell them and move on. If people so desires to put a label on ya, then it only serves to uncover the type of people that they are.

As long the conscience is clear :)

1:09 AM  

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