Sunday, March 25, 2007


What is like a rubber band?

What is like a rubber band?

You stretch it and it gets tauter. If you continue to do so, one day it will break.

Johnny Kwek

Highlight below to see my answer.

Life is like a rubber band. You stretch it and it gets tauter. If you continue to do so, one day it will break.

Work is like a rubber band. You stretch it and it gets tauter. If you continue to do so, one day it will break.

Love is like a rubber band. You stretch it and it gets tauter. If you continue to do so, one day it will break.


Anonymous Anonymous said... a rubber band.. im going to break anytime..

6:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a rubber band is like a ligament. the more u stretch it/stress it, the more it can break.

I almost snapped mine over e weekend. luckily only slightly twisted.. the Tui na shifu say so.. sigh.

Cant dance/cant play soccer/cant walk/ cant drive even?!


10:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're Back!

11:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ligament get snapped if over-stretched...

nice to see u blogging again....
carry on mate~!

2:35 AM  
Blogger リン said...


12:26 AM  

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