Wednesday, March 14, 2007


The Power of Beer


“Why is beer so nice?”
“Just because it is not nice, it is nice.”

Ironic it might seem, but it does make sense. To me beer is just a cheap stimulant. To a certain extent it is able to stimulate certain feeling, either for the better or for the worse.

I am not a drunkard meaning that I do not need to drink every day, every minute or every second. It is not only when I am drunk than I can sleep. I just love the cheap thrill of losing myself and emptying my brain. I want to feel free enough to lose myself and not thinking of any consequences bearing at the back of my mind.

Most of the people around me, who drink, enjoy drinking. Are they drinking to hide certain feelings? Because they are troubled, they look for a way to divert their attention. Are people drinking because there’s a cause for celebration? Because they are happy, they look for a way to share their happiness.

I never liked to get drunk. The vomit, the smell, the stain, image, everything that comes together will never be nice. But I do like the feeling of having a beer or two where things are clearer and bolder.

Probably, I am deluding myself but I do yearn for such form of escape. Everyone has problems and I have some of my own. Why can’t I get a drink so that I can simply throw all my problems in a plastic bag, throw into Kallang River.

I know it’s a very cowardly thing to do but I don’t mind. I just yearn for a few beers to bring me a moment of being free. A moment where I will be happy and nothing could take me down.


How to make a compromise? When things are so difficult to handle? Should I really give it all up?


There are no colors in this post and there will be no colors in this post.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

its not cowardly. we all find our way to deal with life in our own way. i daresay for all those who might trounce on you bemoaning your need for alcohol to express yourself ...

Well, lets put it this way, you've got a lot more guts, having a lot more fun and being more of yourself than most people who are simply too self assured absconding themselves into their little shell. In other words, you're leaving life ... that's a lot more than I can say for a lot of others.

That being said, there must always be control in drinking ... of that you have shown much of it.

7:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

EDIT: you're LIVING life ... that's a lot more than I can say for a lot of others.

Sry for typo

7:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

eh, let's be a bit realistic here, buddy :

Work : what work? Work IS really waking up every morning and being of day is learning, GET IT, You gong gong ah??

Friends: You are my friend! ( and u have many gay friends too..... )

Fame: what fame??I think i more famous than u lor! I went on TV ok! but still not famous...

Love : those were the MOST lovely pair of eyes i've ever seen ok! damn.. i damn envy can, you S*** !!!

so shut your phuck up.
take a few days off. dun need save the world everyday. See.. even our dear friend, spiderman, also become Black Gay widow Spider now.


9:27 AM  
Blogger redalf said...

Beauty lies in the eyes of the Beer Holder...

11:31 AM  
Blogger audrey said...

Woah..why the sudden melodrama?
Don't be so sad and serious lei...I was shocked when I found your post was "not in color".

Okay..actually i prefer reading text in black..but that's not really very Johnny, is it?

I want my gay johnny back...please?

Anyway, drinking in moderation is always fun. The key to happy drinking to a complete sloshed knockout is knowing when to stop. When you hit the high, stop.

You want to get high, not drunk.
Being drunk is definitely not fun, and should not even be part of the itinerary. :D

7:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bo Dah Bo Lam Pa! Yammmmm Seng!!!!

7:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Johnny... after readin tis post... somehow left me some queries... been askin u but u refuse n keep skippin subject... if u treat me as yr gd frd, y cant share wif me? hehe.... I agree with audrey, i prefer the gay johnny... the happy-go-lucky, cheerful, jovial n fun-loving man... cheer up... notin can beat u down....


6:58 AM  

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