Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Mr. Nodidi

Behind this closed door, I see a man. His rugged attire shadows his craving for fresh blood. His unclean moustache portrays a man yearning for lust and more desire. His name was Teddy Nolampar. But now I call him Mr. Nodidi.

I cannot remember why I am enclosed behind these steel walls anymore. All I know is that this man standing in front of me is giving me a sense of fear. I have a feeling, a thought and I know that I need to escape right now. I need to be as far as I can be away from this man, away from this beast, away from danger, away from this sense of insecurity.

He twitched his eyebrow and he spoke. “Hey boy, why are you in here for?

I kept quiet because firstly I really did not know why I was there and secondly, I did not wish to speak to him hoping that without listening to my voice, he cannot sense my fear.

Oh well never mind, but do you want to know why I am in here?” Nodidi said.

I kept my mouth shut.

“In the last four years, I killed and raped nine young boys just like you. I made them kneel and beg for mercy and I made them die the most horrific way anyone could ever imagine. And now you will be my last and final act.”

I listened and I knew what was coming. I jumped and I started running towards the steel door. I picked my ever so heavy body up and I started running. He caught me by my shin and I felled. My hands clinging onto the cold hard steel pipes, I yelled “Help me, someone help me!!! Please. Dear Lord, please.”

A steel hard hand gripped me by my arm and forced me to turn around. “You can run but you can never hide!!!” Nodidi laughed.

His piercing laughter shook me deep down all the way to my spine. Cold sweat trickled down my face.

I stared at him and I spat onto his face.

I yelled “You can take my body but you will never take my dignity and ego. To the hell with you, you fucking bastard.”

I said “Do you know what is like a rubber band, as you stretch it, it gets tauter and one day it will break?”

Nodidi replied “?????”

“Hate. And the rubber band is breaking right now.” I kneed him in his balls and I whack his head with my elbows.

He smirked and he punched me in my face. I fell to the ground and I stared back at him. He lunged at me and grabbed both of my knee caps tightly.

He said “Shut the fuck up, punk.”

He slapped me across my face and I turned and I hit the wall next to me.


I awoke with my bed next to me. I am sitting at the foot of my bed and I realized that I have just dropped off my bed. Good grief, everything was just a dream. Fuck that Mr. Nodidi.

I looked at my wrist, I see two swollen patches. I remember Nodidi holding my wrist tight.

I see my shin, it was all bruised and I remember him pulling my shin which made me fell.

I looked at both my knee caps; I can clearly see deep bruised marks.

Was it a dream? Or was it real?


I had training yesterday. I remember now. All these bruises were from the training I had yesterday. Well, time to go back to sleep.

I lost 4 pounds.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You no need your gym membership liao! =)

5:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bro... Take care... = )

10:18 AM  

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