Thursday, September 14, 2006


Damn!!! Are guys shaving the right way???

1. Prepare! Have a hot shower before you shave. Wash your face with an exfoliant facial wash. The heat and moisture will help to soften your beard and lift up the hairs, as well as open your pores. Have your shave kit ready for when you get out of the shower so you can start right away before your beard has a chance to dry.

2. Apply your choice of shaving cream with a shaving brush. The brush will further help to soften your beard and exfoliate your skin. There are many shave creams on the market; choose one that you like that's right for your skin type. The important thing is to provide lubrication for the razor.

3. Pick the right blade. A safety razor that uses a double edged razor blade will provide a closer and easier shave than any disposable razor on the market for a fraction of the cost. Not only are safety razors with double edged blades cheaper, they last longer, and produce far less waste.

4. Start with one side of your face and work steadily towards the other side, doing small sections at a time. This way you won't miss anything.

5. Use short, light, downward strokes to remove the bulk of the hair.

6. Use your free hand to pull your skin tight.

7. Rinse the blade often to keep it from clogging.

8. The blade of the safety razor should meet your skin at ~45 degrees or less. Nicks and cuts happen when the blade is held at too large of an angle against your skin. It should glide over your skin and you shouldn't be able to feel it.

9. After you've shaved your whole face in a downward direction, rinse your face in warm water, re-apply more shaving cream, and start again going in an upward direction to remove the remaining stubble.

10. Finally, run your fingers over your face to find any rough areas you may have missed. Gently pass the blade over the area in a different direction. Hairs on your neck and jawline generally do not grow straight up or down, but in many different directions that simple up and down motions can miss.

11. Rinse your face in cool water and pat dry with a clean towel.

12. Apply a non-alcohol shaving balm. Aloe and tea tree oil can help prevent dry skin and razor burn.

13. Watch as the ladies flock to your cleanly shaven jaw line.

• Rinse the blade in cold water to keep the metal tight. This will give a smoother shave than if you rinse with hot water.

• You can make your own moisturizing aftershave cream that will help prevent dry skin and razor burn. Simply get some aloe gel that contains vitamin E and some concentrated tea tree oil. Simply mix a few drops of the tea tree oil into the gel and apply to your face after your shave. If you want a scent, you can add a few drops of a commercial aftershave product.

• Wash your face at least twice a day with an exfoliating cleaner and use a non-oily moisturizing cream afterwards. You can use the same aloe/tea tree mixture listed above as a daily moisturizer.

• Shave often. Once every couple days to keep your hairs from thickening and estabishing. The more consistantly you shave, the better the quality of your shaves will be, and the better your complexion: Shaving removes dead skin and keeps pores from clogging.

• Rinse and dry your equipement thoroughly, and store in a dry place.

• For an extra thick beard you can use a hot face cloth compress to soften it in addition to a hot shower prior to shaving. Change blades as necessary, as they will dull much quicker than with a thin beard.

• If you have an adjustable safety razor, use a higher setting at the start of your shave when removing the bulk of the hair. Lower the blade for the upward pass to minimize the blade catching your skin.

• Don't rush. Take your time and do it right. Your face will thank you.

• Don't forget to change your blades when dull. A dull blade will leave your face feeling raw and sore, and is much more likely to cause razor burn.

• Avoid soap-based shave creams and alcohol-based aftershaves. They will over-dry your skin.

Things You'll Need
• A good safety razor.
• A shaving brush.
• A good moisturizing shaving cream.
• A non-alcohol based aftershave balm/moisturizer.
• A well-lit bathroom mirror.
• A clean towel and face cloth.
• Plenty of fresh blades.
• An exfoliating face wash.


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