Monday, September 11, 2006


Daphne Says I Should Post More Pictures. So This Is For You!!!

Life would have been so tasteless without certain friends of mine. Two very important people in my salsa life that had made me enjoy every single moment and I would like to take this opportunity to introduce them to you. Sorry girls, both nice guys have been quite pursued after and currently this plane had departed. So please wait till the next ride.

On your left, Zhiguang. An incredible guy. I have never met anyone in my life as nice as him. A serious warning to everyone out there. No one bullies him okay!!! Or suffer the wrath of my kiss!!! In the middle is Jianping. Nothing worth talking about. We will let the pictures do the talking.

Isn't he cute. Not bad huh!!!

What the hell was he trying to do?? He must be thinking that if he stared hard enough, the bottle would pop!!!

Poser!!!! Basically we had nothing to do after our dinner at chinatown porridge, so we decided to entertain ourselves.

They made me do it. Thinking it would look very 50's and cool. The aftermath not as desired.

Mr Kungfu!! Tiger and Flamingo Stance!!!

Uploading just for fun. Nothing much to write about.

My favourite picture. Hey JP, can you handle the situation with better planning??


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks babes! Love cam-whoring pictures, haha

-- daphne

6:52 PM  

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