Thursday, September 28, 2006



This is my nephew and he is so so very cute that I would like to share some of his jokes with you guys. Although I know my sis is definitely going to kill me when she read this but whatever. Anyway his name is Javen and he is 5 years old. So lets get the story started.......

侄儿笑话篇 一

[Scenario] My brother is watching soccer with my nephew and Arsenal Van Persie miss fired and the soccer ball just whizz past the goal post.

[Brother]Fuck lah!!
[[Javen]]舅舅, 什么是Fuck lah????
[Brother]*Shock* 你说什么????
[[Javen]]我说 ..... 什么是Fuck lah????
**************** Pause *****************
[Brother]没有, 我是说放啊!!!
[Brother]对对对!!!! 就是要 Arsenal 放球嘛!!!
[[Javen]]喔!!! 我明白了... 放啊!!!! 放啊!!!!!

侄儿笑话篇 二

[Scenario] My friend was talking to me on the phone

[小豪]Hey Johnny, 我好闷喔!!!!!
[小福]Hey 小豪,干嘛这么闷啊?????
[小豪]那也没什么, 我女朋友硬吵着要我陪她逛街, 好无聊哦!!! 不如我们出来打牌还是打屁什么的好不好????
[小福]妈的!!!! 你闷的时候才会想要打给我.. 可是.... 好,我等一下我打给你, 我们出来打屁.
[小豪]See you later!!
[小福]*Shock* 你说什么????
[[Javen]]舅舅, 你刚才不是说<<妈的>>咯!!!!
**************** Pause *****************
[小福]没有, 那是Janet姐姐的妈妈, 所以我就叫她"Mother", 明白吗????
[[Javen]] 可是你都还未結婚, 为什么随随便便叫人家"Mother"?????
[小福]对对对, 是我搞错了. 下一次我会记得叫她"Auntie"好不好????
[[Javen]] 这样才对嘛!!!!
[小福]**妈的, 现在的小孩真难搞!@#$%^&*()!!!!!**


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