Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Bio vs Life Science

I was at home and alone that night. I was watching a very artistic show with a box of tissue next to me. I think the title of the show was "Beauty and her Feast", but I cannot be sure. The tissue was there as I was down with flu. Suddenly a very peculiar thought struck me.

I weight 128 pounds now. If I were in a horny mood and my member became erected, would I weigh 129 pounds?
Yes, it may not even weigh 1 pound, but c’mon, cut me some slack. Give me the benefit of the doubt, since it is my blog.

I am definitely not porn star calibre where they weigh close to 10 pounds with that huge lump of meat, but I guess I am okay. To all my friends who have seen mine, you know, I know, we are okay. I may be slightly more muscular than yours, but I guess you will do just fine.

Don’t you give me that look. We are all grown ups and we talk about stuffs. There are a lot more other things that life evolve around.

Back to the topic.

I weight 128 pounds now. If I just had an "Outback" Rib Eye Steak, would I weigh 132 pounds now?

Maybe? I can’t be sure.

I was never a Bio student, neither was I a Life Science student. I am curious about stuff.

To me, if I weigh 128 pounds now, regardless how big my member can get, it should still weigh the same. Since it is within me to begin with. It only comes out for a suntan when the sun is hot. Therefore I conclude that the human weight should remain the same.

How the hell do you experiment with this? Its not like you can weigh your dick. You semi-squat on the floor and place it on a weighing machine?

I need answers, therefore I asked the most intelligent occupation in the world, a teacher.

I called up a friend and I asked him this question. Would I weigh the same when I am horny and when I am not?

He gave me a scientific explanation.

Human is just a mixture of flesh and blood. For men, our dicky is just a combination of skin and blood. It will remain in our body unless a huge amount of blood flow encapsulates the section and therefore our member gets erected.

So I asked, "So does that mean our weight will remain the same?"

He replied, "Yes, since it is just a blood flow from our internal system."

"So where did all this blood come from in the first place?" I queried.

He answered, "From our brain, the blood will flow from our brain to our ‘Willy’. That’s why man can’t think when they are horny."

I thank God for blessing me with such intelligent friends.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha aiyoo Johnny.. What a read. But it's okay, still part of an erm inquiring mind.

For the record, the blood flow doesn't come from the brain, contrary to what your friend thinks. The flow is diverted from largely the splanchnic region in the abdominal cavity, where large capillary beds pool blood in times of muscular non-exertion.


4:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

now, tt's what u get from a A* Star scholar!

i have a better explanatioN : our dicks do weigh some amount, but men cant weigh them ourselves ( unless u'e gay ).

step 1 : think horny and u'll get an engorged ...ehem*
step 2 : put it somewhere into e ... *ehem ( *hint: where you eat )
step 3 : ................. TOO CENSORED ...................

anyway, i just realised the writer's name happens to be one of the slangs for our much loved "brother"

JOhnny our BROTHER~! woot !!

4:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Johnny...

guess wat.. just learnt it in anatomy.. haha...

true enough... God gave us enough blood in our body to function... but not enough to run the dick and brain at the same time... we only have enough blood to run one *item* at one time...

yup.. so u are correct.. we cannot do both things at the same time..

8:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm.... i was wondering....does your teacher fren know if there is a loss of weight after missiles have been fired?....

1:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

O.o haha ... really can't contribute anything but I'm simply like ... wtf??? hahah

8:58 PM  

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